The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, Hon. Dr. Doto Biteko, made an important visit to the Kidatu Power Station in Kilombero District, Morogoro Region on 1st April. The purpose of his visit was to personally inspect the maintenance of the electrical equipment at the station.

Dr Biteko’s visit was prompted by a failure in the water level control system at the Kidatu power stations, which adversely affected the national grid. The failure led to widespread power cuts in many areas of the country, leaving many homes and businesses without electricity.

Doto BitekoDuring his inspection, Dr Biteko meticulously assessed the condition of the power stations and the extent of the damage caused by the water level control system failure. His thorough investigation was aimed at identifying the root causes of the failure and determining the most effective course of action to remedy the situation.

Given the critical nature of the issue, Dr Biteko’s visit underscored the government’s commitment to addressing and resolving challenges within the energy sector. His hands-on approach and personal involvement in the inspection demonstrated a pro-active and decisive leadership style and reassured the public of the government’s commitment to ensuring reliable and stable power supply for all citizens.

Kidatu Power Station

Kidatu Power Station

Kidatu Power StationFurthermore, Dr Biteko’s visit to the Kidatu Power Station served as a testament to the government’s prioritisation of infrastructure maintenance and continuous improvement of the country’s energy facilities. By engaging directly with the operational aspects of the power stations, Dr Biteko reaffirmed the government’s focus on improving the efficiency and reliability of the national electricity infrastructure.

Doto BitekoAs a result of Dr Biteko’s visit and comprehensive inspection of the Kidatu power stations, the government is ready to implement targeted measures to address the water level control system failure and mitigate its impact on the national grid. The Minister’s proactive response to the situation reflects a commitment to swift and effective solutions to ensure the rapid restoration of power to the affected areas.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, Hon. Dr Doto Biteko’s visit to the Kidatu Power Station demonstrated his commitment to maintaining the integrity and functionality of the country’s energy infrastructure. His hands-on approach and decisive leadership in addressing the water level control system failure underscored the government’s unwavering commitment to ensuring a reliable and stable supply of electricity to all citizens. Dr Biteko’s proactive engagement and quick response to the situation is indicative of the government’s determined efforts to ensure the country’s energy security and the well-being of its citizens.

Tanzania Media