55th Meeting of the SADC Parliamentary Forum: A Step Towards Regional Legislative Integration

On 2 July 2024, the Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania and President of the International Parliamentary Union (IPU), Hon. Dr. Tulia Ackson, extended heartfelt greetings of solidarity between the IPU and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Parliamentary Forum. This gesture marked the opening of the 55th Meeting of the Forum, which commenced today in Luanda, Angola.

SADC Parliamentary Forum

Key Milestones and Developments

Zambia Signs Agreement to Amend SADC Treaty

The 55th Plenary Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) witnessed a significant milestone, with Zambia becoming the 11th SADC State to sign the Agreement to amend Article 1 of the SADC Treaty. This amendment represents a pivotal advance in the establishment of a SADC Parliament. The signing was conducted by the Minister of Justice, Hon. Princess Kasune, on behalf of the President of Zambia.

SADC Parliamentary Forum

Inauguration by Hon. Roger Mancienne

The President of the SADC Parliamentary Forum and Speaker of the National Assembly of Seychelles, Hon. Roger Mancienne, officially inaugurated the 55th SADC-PF Plenary Assembly in Luanda, Angola. In his opening remarks, he made a passionate plea to member states to sign the Agreement Amending the SADC Treaty.

SADC Parliamentary Forum

This transformation of the SADC Parliamentary Forum into a fully-fledged SADC Parliament is regarded as a pivotal development in enhancing regional integration and legislative collaboration.

Importance of a SADC Parliament

The establishment of a SADC Parliament is anticipated to facilitate the development of a more cohesive and unified legislative framework within the region. The objective of the SADC Parliament is to:

  • Foster greater cooperation among member states

  • Streamline legislative processes

  • Ensure that the voices of the people within the SADC region are more effectively represented at a supranational level

Solidarity and Cooperation

In her address, the Honourable Dr. Tulia Ackson underscored the significance of mutual solidarity and collaboration between the IPU and the SADC PF. She underscored the necessity of such collaborative efforts to address the multifaceted challenges confronting the region, including:

  • Economic development

  • Social justice

  • Political stability

Her message served to reinforce the IPU’s dedication to providing assistance to the SADC PF in its endeavours to advance democracy, foster peace, and facilitate sustainable development.

Zambia’s Commitment

The signing of the Agreement by Zambia serves to demonstrate the country’s commitment to regional integration and legislative collaboration. In her remarks, Hon. Princess Kasune expressed optimism that the establishment of a SADC Parliament would enhance the region’s ability to address common challenges and leverage collective strengths.

SADC Parliamentary Forum

Furthermore, she reaffirmed Zambia’s commitment to the principles of democracy, good governance, and regional cooperation.

Call to Action by Hon. Roger Mancienne

The Hon. Roger Mancienne’s call to action was met with a positive response from the assembled delegates. He emphasised the necessity of transforming the SADC PF into a SADC Parliament, outlining the advantages of such a transition. Mancienne further posited that a SADC Parliament would:

  • Strengthen legislative oversight and accountability

  • Provide a platform for more robust and inclusive policy-making processes

Significance of the 55th Plenary Assembly

The 55th Plenary Assembly of the SADC PF represents a significant milestone in the organisation’s history, convening parliamentarians, policymakers, and other stakeholders from across the region. The discussions and deliberations at this assembly are anticipated to influence the future trajectory of the SADC PF and its role in regional governance.

SADC Parliamentary Forum

Global Trends and Regional Integration

The move towards establishing a SADC Parliament is in accordance with the prevailing global trends of regional integration and supranational governance. This development reflects a growing recognition of the necessity for regional bodies to possess legislative powers that can complement and enhance national efforts in addressing transnational issues.

SADC Parliamentary Forum

Benefits for the SADC Region

The SADC region, with its heterogeneous cultures, economies, and political systems, stands to gain considerably from a more integrated legislative framework. A SADC Parliament would:

  • Provide a platform for harmonising laws and policies

  • Facilitate trade and investment

  • Promote peace and security across the region

Exchange of Ideas and Best Practices

The 55th Meeting of the SADC PF also provided an opportunity for member states to share experiences and best practices in parliamentary governance. It is anticipated that the exchange of ideas and knowledge will contribute to the strengthening of democratic institutions and processes within the region.

SADC Parliamentary Forum

SADC Parliamentary Forum

SADC Parliamentary Forum

SADC Parliamentary Forum

SADC Parliamentary Forum


The opening of the 55th Meeting of the SADC PF in Luanda, Angola, represents a significant step towards the establishment of a SADC Parliament. The solidarity expressed by Hon. Dr. Tulia Ackson, the commitment demonstrated by Zambia, and the call to action by Hon. Roger Mancienne serve to illustrate the collective resolve of the SADC member states to enhance regional integration and legislative collaboration. The establishment of a SADC Parliament has the potential to foster a more unified, cohesive, and prosperous Southern African region.

Tanzania Media Political Reporter