Geita Region’s Commitment to Security: A Dialogue Between Administrative Secretary Mohamed J. Gombati and Community Police Commissioner F.C Shilogile

In a recent meeting that underscores the importance of regional security, the Administrative Secretary of Geita Region in Tanzania, Mohamed J. Gombati, engaged in comprehensive discussions with the Community Police Commissioner, F.C Shilogile. The primary focus of their discourse was the prevailing state of security and safety within the Geita Region.


The meeting served to highlight the collaborative efforts between various stakeholders and to reassure the public of the region’s commitment to maintaining a secure environment.

A Collaborative Approach to Security

Mohamed J. Gombati underscored the pivotal role of a collaborative approach to security, which has been a foundational element of the Geita Region’s security strategy. He highlighted the pivotal role of the effective partnership between the police force, government authorities, and the local community in ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents.


This tripartite collaboration has fostered a sense of shared responsibility and mutual trust, which are crucial elements in the fight against crime and insecurity.

The Role of the Police Force

The police force in Geita Region, under the leadership of Commissioner F.C Shilogile, has been proactive in implementing various measures to enhance security. These measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Regular Patrols

  • Community Policing Initiatives

  • Establishment of Neighbourhood Watch Programs

Commissioner Shilogile emphasised that the police force has been engaged in assiduous efforts to cultivate robust relationships with the community. This has resulted in enhanced collaboration and the exchange of information.


Community Policing

In particular, the introduction of community policing has been a significant development in the Geita Region. This approach entails the police working in close collaboration with community members to identify and address local security concerns. By fostering open communication and collaboration, the police have been able to gain valuable insights into the specific needs and challenges faced by different neighbourhoods. This has enabled them to develop strategies and interventions that are tailored to effectively address these issues.

Government Support and Initiatives

The Administration of Geita Region has also played a pivotal role in supporting security efforts. Mohamed J. Gombati proceeded to enumerate several initiatives that have been implemented with the objective of enhancing security in the region. These include, for example:

  • Allocation of Resources for the recruitment and training of additional police officers.

  • Provision of Modern Equipment and Technology to enhance policing capabilities.

  • Establishment of Community Centres where residents can report crimes and seek assistance.

Moreover, the Administration has been engaged in the active promotion of public awareness campaigns on matters of safety and security. The aforementioned campaigns are designed to educate the general public on a range of topics related to crime prevention:

  • The importance of reporting suspicious activities.

  • The benefits of community involvement in security efforts.

  • The need for vigilance in safeguarding personal and communal property.

Community Involvement and Empowerment

One of the key factors contributing to the success of security efforts in the Geita Region is the active involvement and empowerment of the community. Mohamed J. Gombati emphasised that the residents of Geita have demonstrated a remarkable commitment to working in collaboration with the police and government authorities in order to ensure the maintenance of a secure environment.


This sense of ownership and responsibility has been instrumental in fostering a culture of vigilance and cooperation.

Community Initiatives

Community members have been encouraged to participate in various security initiatives, such as:

  • Neighbourhood Watch Programs

  • Community Patrols

  • Crime Prevention Workshops

These initiatives not only enhance the overall security of the region but also foster a sense of unity and solidarity among residents. By working collectively, the community has been able to establish a robust network of support that serves to deter criminal activities and to promote a safe and secure environment.


Challenges and Future Plans

Despite the considerable advances made in enhancing security, both Mohamed J. Gombati and Commissioner F.C Shilogile acknowledged that there are still challenges that need to be addressed. These challenges include:

  • The need for continuous training and capacity building for police officers.

  • The importance of addressing socio-economic factors that contribute to crime.

  • The necessity of maintaining public trust and confidence in the security apparatus.

Future Plans

In order to address these challenges, a number of future plans have been proposed. These include the following:

  • Advanced Training Programs for police officers to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle emerging security threats.

  • Strengthening Community Engagement through regular town hall meetings, feedback sessions, and collaborative problem-solving initiatives.

  • Addressing Root Causes of Crime by promoting socio-economic development and providing opportunities for education and employment.

By addressing these underlying factors, the region seeks to establish a more stable and secure environment for its residents.



The dialogue between Administrative Secretary Mohamed J. Gombati and Community Police Commissioner F.C Shilogile exemplifies the Geita Region’s dedication to security through collaborative efforts, proactive policing, governmental support, and community involvement. While challenges remain, the outlined future plans provide a framework for continued progress in ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents in the Geita Region.

Tanzania Media