Vice Chairman of CCM Mainland Tanzania, Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana, Visits Flood-Affected Areas in Rufiji District

The Vice Chairman of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Mainland Tanzania, Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana, demonstrated his commitment to the welfare of the people by inspecting the flood-affected areas in Muhoro village on April 9, 2024. His visit was aimed at offering condolences and support to the residents of Rufiji District, Coastal Region, who have been adversely affected by the recent floods.


During his visit, Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana engaged with the affected communities in Muhoro and Chumbi villages, expressing his solidarity and offering words of comfort. The floods, triggered by heavy rains causing the Rufiji River to overflow, have resulted in significant damage to homes and livelihoods in the region.


In his address to the affected residents, Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana emphasized the urgent need for the government to expedite assistance to the victims of the Rufiji floods. He stressed that immediate action is crucial to alleviate the suffering of the affected population and to facilitate the restoration of normalcy in the region.


As the vice-chairman of CCM Mainland Tanzania, Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana’s call for swift government intervention underscores the gravity of the situation and the pressing need for comprehensive support to address the aftermath of the devastating floods. His advocacy for expedited assistance reflects the party’s commitment to the well-being of the people and the imperative of responsive governance in times of crisis.


Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana’s visit to the flood-affected areas not only symbolizes his personal concern for the affected communities but also serves as a powerful statement of solidarity and support from CCM Mainland Tanzania. By engaging directly with the affected residents, he has demonstrated a hands-on approach to addressing the challenges faced by the people, reaffirming the party’s commitment to grassroots engagement and responsive leadership.



The impact of the floods on the lives and livelihoods of the residents in Rufiji District cannot be overstated. The widespread devastation caused by the overflowing Rufiji River has left many families displaced and in urgent need of assistance. The disruption to normal life and the loss of property have created a dire situation that demands immediate and sustained intervention from the government and humanitarian organizations.

Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana’s advocacy for expedited assistance is a reflection of the urgent and critical nature of the situation. The timely provision of relief, rehabilitation, and support services is essential to mitigate the suffering of the affected population and to facilitate the process of recovery and reconstruction in the flood-affected areas.


The vice-chairman’s call for urgent government intervention underscores the need for a coordinated and comprehensive response to address the multifaceted challenges arising from the floods. It highlights the imperative of mobilizing resources, expertise, and support mechanisms to ensure that the affected communities receive the necessary assistance to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

In the wake of the devastating floods, the resilience and solidarity of the people of Rufiji District have been tested. The spirit of community and mutual support has been evident as individuals and local organizations have come together to provide aid and comfort to those in need. However, the scale of the disaster necessitates a concerted effort at the national level to complement and bolster the ongoing local initiatives.

Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana’s visit and advocacy for expedited assistance serve as a catalyst for galvanizing broader support and attention to the plight of the flood-affected communities. His call for urgent government action resonates with the broader imperative of ensuring that the affected populations receive the necessary support and resources to rebuild their lives and communities.



The floods in Rufiji District have underscored the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters and the need for proactive measures to mitigate the impact of such events. The urgency of addressing the immediate needs of the affected population is matched by the long-term imperative of building resilience and preparedness to prevent and respond to future calamities.

Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana’s visit to the flood-affected areas and his advocacy for expedited assistance reflect a proactive and compassionate approach to addressing the challenges faced by the people. His engagement with the affected communities and his call for urgent government intervention exemplify the leadership and commitment of CCM Mainland Tanzania to the welfare and well-being of the citizens.

Comrade Abdulrahman Kinana’s visit to the flood-affected areas in Rufiji District, Coastal Region, and his advocacy for expedited assistance to the victims of the floods underscore the gravity of the situation and the imperative of swift and comprehensive government intervention. His engagement with the affected communities and his call for urgent action reflect the commitment of CCM Mainland Tanzania to responsive governance and the welfare of the people. The visit serves as a powerful statement of solidarity and support, reaffirming the party’s dedication to addressing the challenges faced by the citizens and ensuring their well-being and resilience in the face of adversity.


Amidst the devastating impact of heavy rains causing the Rufiji River to overflow and flood 12 out of 13 districts, Secretary General Kinana has urgently called upon the government to expedite assistance for the more than 88,000 affected people. Kinana made this plea on 9th April 2024, during his visit to the Muhoro and Chumbi villages, where he witnessed the dire situation and extended his condolences to those affected.

Expressing the urgency of the situation, Kinana revealed that he had already communicated with Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, emphasizing the critical need for immediate action. “I have spoken to the Prime Minister, as I have seen and I have told him the urgency of the needs. I have no doubt at all and he will come and see for himself. He has quickly called a meeting with all the ministers involved in the disaster, and I am sure that when he comes here, the speed of delivery will increase,” Kinana stated.

The gravity of the situation cannot be overstated, with thousands of people in desperate need of food and shelter. Kinana’s call for swift government intervention underscores the pressing need for immediate relief efforts to mitigate the suffering of the affected population.


As the affected communities grapple with the aftermath of the floods, Kinana’s impassioned plea serves as a rallying cry for urgent and coordinated action. The government’s response to this crisis will undoubtedly be closely monitored, with the hope that the necessary assistance will be swiftly mobilized to alleviate the plight of those affected by this natural disaster.

Vice President Urges Government to Accelerate Disaster Relief Efforts

In a recent address, Vice President Comrade Kinana emphasized the urgent need for the government to intensify its efforts in providing essential services to those affected by the recent disaster. The disaster has not only impacted individuals but has also had a profound effect on schools and clinics in the region.

During his address, Vice President Comrade Kinana conveyed a message of apology on behalf of the President and the Revolutionary Party (CCM). He expressed his personal commitment to witnessing the situation first hand and used the opportunity to urge the government to swiftly mobilize aid for the affected citizens.


The Vice President’s call to action underscores the critical importance of prompt and effective disaster relief efforts. It serves as a reminder of the government’s responsibility to prioritize the well-being of its citizens during times of crisis.

The impact of the disaster has reverberated across various sectors, including education and healthcare. Schools and clinics have been significantly affected, further underscoring the urgency of the situation. The Vice President’s plea for expedited aid reflects the pressing need to restore essential services and support the affected communities in their recovery efforts.



As the government works to address the aftermath of the disaster, Vice President Comrade Kinana’s advocacy serves as a catalyst for swift and decisive action. His unwavering commitment to advocating for the affected citizens exemplifies the leadership’s dedication to prioritizing the welfare of the people.

 Vice President Comrade Kinana’s impassioned plea for accelerated disaster relief efforts serves as a poignant reminder of the government’s duty to swiftly and effectively respond to crises. His call to action resonates with the imperative to prioritise the well-being of the affected communities and underscores the government’s commitment to providing essential services during challenging times.

Tanzania Media