The Standing Committee on Infrastructure of the Parliament has recommended that the Government prioritise indigenous contractors in project implementation and continue to address the challenges faced by these contractors, thereby providing them with an opportunity to compete with foreign contractors in tendering.

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Hon. Selemani Kakoso (Mb), explained this in Mwanza Region during the Committee’s inspection of the progress of the repair and construction of the ferries being built by the Indigenous Contractor Songoro Marine. The Committee was satisfied with the implementation of the projects.

indigenous contractors

indigenous contractors

indigenous contractors

indigenous contractors

indigenous contractorsThe Committee has emphasised the need to increase ferry services in the Lake Region, specifically in Mara, Geita, Mwanza, and Kagera.
It is important to ensure timely payment to local contractors involved in the implementation of these projects. This will encourage investment in Lake Nyasa and Lake Tanganyika, leading to job creation for the local population.

indigenous contractors

indigenous contractors

indigenous contractors

indigenous contractorsThe Minister of Works, Innocent Bashungwa has promised to monitor the payment of the indigenous contractor Songoro Marine for the completion of the construction of five new ferries and the repair of two ferries.
He stated, ‘I will closely monitor this payment to the Ministry of Finance (TREASURY), and I believe that the funds will be available and the Contractor will continue with his implementation as planned.’
Jesca Magufuli (daughter of former Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli) stated that she participated in the construction of the UVCCM Secretary’s house in Chato District and will continue to contribute until the project is completed.


Abbas J