Tanzania Local Elections Conclude with ACT Wazalendo’s Emergence as a Force

The electoral campaigns for the Local Government, Village, and Subdistrict Elections in Tanzania have indeed reached their conclusion. The electoral campaigns were conducted in a generally peaceful and subdued manner, with the most prominent political parties being the Party for Democracy and Progress (CHADEMA), Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), and Alliance for Change (ACT Wazalendo). ACT Wazalendo has garnered considerable support from the grassroots level, surpassing CHADEMA and emerging as a formidable force. The Local Government Elections Campaign in Tanzania was characterised by the prevalence of undemocratic practices, including the public announcement of potential candidates by prominent individuals. The process was characterised by a lack of transparency and fairness, and it afforded an unfair advantage to individuals with connections to politicians. 

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

The electoral campaign period for local government, villages, and subdistricts in Tanzania concluded without any significant incidents or disruptions. In comparison to previous electoral contests, the atmosphere was relatively peaceful and subdued. This can be attributed to a number of factors:

* Increased maturity of the electorate: The electorate in Tanzania has become more experienced and discerning over time, which has resulted in a decline in election-related violence and intimidation.
* Effective security measures: In order to ensure the maintenance of order during the electoral campaign period, the government of Tanzania deployed a considerable number of security personnel. Such measures helped to deter potential troublemakers and foster a sense of safety among voters.
* Focus on issue-based campaigns: A considerable number of political parties and candidates placed a greater emphasis on policy discussions and grassroots engagement, eschewing the use of inflammatory rhetoric or personal attacks. This resulted in a more civil and constructive campaign environment.
* Independent Electoral Commission (NEC): The NEC played a pivotal role in guaranteeing the seamless operation of the campaign period. The impartiality and professionalism of the NEC contributed to the establishment of trust among stakeholders and the prevention of disputes from escalating.

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

The peaceful nature of the electoral campaign period is a positive indicator of Tanzania’s democratic development. This suggests that the country is making progress towards conducting free, fair, and peaceful elections.

Prominent Political Parties

The electoral campaigns for local government, villages, and subdistricts in Tanzania have recently reached their conclusion. During the course of the electoral campaign, a number of political parties presented their respective policy platforms and engaged with the electorate. Among the political parties that participated in the electoral process, three were particularly noteworthy for their conspicuous and active engagement:

Party for Democracy and Progress (CHADEMA):

The Chadema party represents the principal opposition force in Tanzania. The party has a robust presence in urban areas and among the younger electorate. The party’s policies are typically characterised as centre-left, advocating for democratic reforms, economic liberalisation and social justice.

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM):

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party currently holds the majority of seats in the Tanzanian parliament. The party has been the dominant force in Tanzanian politics since the country’s independence in 1961. CCM is a broad-based party with a diverse range of policy positions, which collectively align it with the centre-right political spectrum.

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

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Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

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Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections

Alliance for Change (ACT Wazalendo):

ACT Wazalendo is a relatively recent political party in Tanzania, having been established in 2014. Nevertheless, it has rapidly acquired a considerable degree of popularity, particularly among those residing in rural areas. The party’s policies are oriented towards economic empowerment, social justice, and anti-corruption measures.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

Campaign Activities:
These three parties were the most prominent and active during the campaign period. The candidates and supporters of the aforementioned parties participated in a variety of campaign activities, including rallies and door-to-door canvassing. Furthermore, they exerted considerable influence over the content and direction of media coverage and public debates.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

The participation of these significant political parties in the Local Government, Village, and Subdistrict Elections campaigns serves to illustrate the competitive nature of Tanzania’s political landscape. The policies and platforms espoused by these political parties reflect the diverse political views and aspirations of the Tanzanian people.

Emergence and Popularity of ACT Wazalendo

The Alliance for Change (ACT Wazalendo) has emerged as a significant political entity in Tanzania, posing a formidable challenge to the long-standing dominance of traditional parties such as CHADEMA and CCM.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

The party has experienced a notable surge in popularity, particularly at the grassroots level, due to a combination of factors:

Effective Grassroots Mobilisation:

ACT Wazalendo has implemented an efficacious door-to-door canvassing strategy, which enables its candidates and supporters to engage directly with voters and gain insight into their concerns. This approach has been particularly well-received by many Tanzanians, particularly those residing in rural areas.

Relatable Policies:

ACT Wazalendo’s policies are in close alignment with the aspirations and needs of the average Tanzanian citizen. The party’s emphasis on economic growth, job creation, improved infrastructure, quality education, accessible healthcare and an independent police force has resonated with the electorate.

Specific Policy Proposals:

ACT Wazalendo has presented a series of detailed policy proposals that address the most pertinent issues affecting the Tanzanian population. Such proposals include, for example:

*A society founded on the principles of the Constitution, in which all members are treated with fairness and equality.
* Anti-corruption measures
* The provision of social protection for those who are vulnerable.
* Affordable housing
* Access to clean water is a fundamental human right.

Anti-Establishment Appeal:

ACT Wazalendo has established itself as a political force that challenges the established order, appealing to voters who are disillusioned with the status quo.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

The party’s stance on corruption and its commitments to reform have resonated with numerous Tanzanians, who perceive traditional parties to be corrupt and out of touch with the needs of the population.


ACT Wazalendo is led by Zitto Kabwe, a charismatic and articulate politician who has gained considerable support among the Tanzanian population. Kabwe’s vision for Tanzania and his commitment to transparency and accountability have contributed to the party’s growing popularity, as evidenced by an increase in electoral support.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

As a consequence of these factors, ACT Wazalendo has made considerable gains in recent elections, exceeding CHADEMA in numerous areas and becoming a prominent force in Tanzanian politics. The party’s sustained growth and influence will indubitably inform the future political landscape of Tanzania.

CHADEMA’s Perceived Drawbacks: External Influence

Those who are undecided about which party to support have expressed concerns about CHADEMA’s perceived alignment with external influences. They believe that this may not be in Tanzania’s best interests. These concerns have their origins in a number of factors:

* Historical Ties: The Chadema party has a documented history of receiving financial and organisational support from Western donors and organisations. This has prompted some Tanzanians to inquire whether the party is genuinely independent or if it is influenced by foreign interests.
* Policy Positions: The policies of the CHADEMA party are typically regarded as being more liberal than those of other significant political parties in Tanzania. This encompasses endorsement of matters pertaining to LGBTQ+ rights and media freedom, which some Tanzanians perceive as shaped by Western ideologies and not aligned with the country’s cultural and traditional values.
* Leadership: The leadership of the CHADEMA party has been accused of failing to adequately address the concerns of the Tanzanian population at large. Some commentators posit that the party’s leadership is more concerned with placating their Western backers than with addressing the needs of the Tanzanian populace.

These concerns have prompted some undecided voters to refrain from endorsing CHADEMA. There is a concern that a CHADEMA government may be unduly influenced by external forces and may not prioritise the interests of Tanzania.

It is crucial to acknowledge that these assumptions are merely perceptions and that there is currently no evidence to substantiate the claim that CHADEMA is in fact influenced by external forces. Nevertheless, these perceptions have the potential to exert a considerable influence on the behaviour of voters.

In response to these concerns, CHADEMA has sought to emphasise its commitment to Tanzanian sovereignty and independence. Furthermore, the party has committed to implementing policies that are in the best interests of the Tanzanian people. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen whether these endeavours will prove sufficient to overcome the perception of external influence and secure the support of undecided voters.

Influence of State Machinery in Tanzania’s Local Elections

The forthcoming Local Government, Village, and Subdistrict Elections in Tanzania will serve as a pivotal benchmark for evaluating the country’s democratic credentials.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

local Government Elections Campaign in Tanzania

local Government Elections Campaign in Tanzania

local Government Elections Campaign in Tanzania

The ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), is in a position of significant advantage due to its control of the state apparatus. This encompasses the capacity to mobilise financial resources, exert control over the media, and utilise government resources for the advancement of electoral campaigns.

What is State Machinery?

The term “state machinery” is used to describe the resources and advantages that a ruling party has at its disposal as a result of its control of the government. Such resources and advantages include, for example:

* Access to financial resources: The ruling party is in a position to draw upon substantial financial resources, which it can deploy in support of its electoral campaigns, the mobilisation of its supporter base and the provision of patronage.
* Control of the media: The ruling party exercises control over the majority of the country’s major media outlets, thereby affording it the capacity to influence the prevailing narrative and advance its own agenda.
* Use of government resources: The incumbent administration may utilise government resources, including vehicles and personnel, to advance its electoral campaigns.
* Intimidation and harassment: The incumbent administration has been accused of employing intimidation and harassment tactics to suppress opposition and dissuade voters from supporting alternative political parties.

How State Machinery Influences Elections

The apparatus of the state can be deployed in a variety of ways to exert influence over the electoral process:

* Funding: The ruling party is able to utilise its financial resources to fund its electoral campaigns, whereas opposition parties may have restricted access to funding.
* Media coverage: The incumbent administration can leverage its control of the media to advance the candidacy and policies of its chosen candidates, while those representing the opposition may receive less favourable coverage.
* Use of government resources: The incumbent administration is permitted to utilise government resources, including vehicles and personnel, to advance its electoral campaigns. In contrast, opposition parties are typically excluded from such access.
* Intimidation and harassment: The incumbent administration may resort to intimidation and harassment in order to suppress opposition and dissuade voters from supporting alternative political parties.

The Local Government Elections Campaign: A Critical Analysis

The Local Government Elections Campaign in Tanzania was of particular interest for a number of reasons:

Public Announcement of Candidates

In contrast to a secret vote, this process involved prominent individuals, such as ministers or Members of Parliament, visiting local constituencies to announce the names of individuals already on a list as potential candidates for voting. These individuals were encouraged to be considered as worthy of being elected, and thus presented themselves to the public as suitable candidates for the position.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

Lack of Transparency

It would be erroneous to assume that the individuals announced as potential candidates were necessarily chosen through a transparent and democratic process. It is plausible that they were partners, associates, or other personal connections of the prominent individuals who announced their names.

Undemocratic Practices

The process of announcing potential candidates in public was not aligned with the principles of democratic governance. The process did not allow for a fair and competitive selection process, and it afforded an unfair advantage to individuals who had connections to prominent politicians.

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

ACT Wazalendo

Favouritism and Bias

The process was susceptible to the influence of personal preferences and preconceptions. It is possible that individuals with a high public profile were more likely to announce the names of individuals who were loyal to them or who shared their political views.

 Challenges for Selected Individuals

The context in which individuals were selected as potential candidates serves to illustrate the challenges they may encounter in fulfilling their mandates at the local level. Such individuals may lack the legitimacy and support of the community, and may also be beholden to the individuals who selected them.

Perception of Democracy

The forthcoming vote may be regarded as a further political manoeuvre designed to perpetuate the perception of a functioning democracy in Tanzania. However, the absence of transparency and democratic principles in the selection process gives rise to questions concerning the genuine nature of democracy in the country.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the state machinery confers a considerable advantage on the ruling party in the context of electoral competition. In the absence of this advantage, opposition parties would be positioned on a more level playing field, increasing the likelihood of their electoral success. It is, however, important to note that the state machinery is just one factor among many that will influence the outcome of the upcoming Local Government, Village, and Subdistrict Elections. In addition, other variables, including the popularity of the candidates, the policies of the respective parties, and the prevailing political climate, will also exert an influence on the result.

The electoral campaign period for the Local Government, Village, and Subdistrict Elections in Tanzania has now reached its conclusion. The peaceful atmosphere and the emergence of ACT Wazalendo as a significant competitor represent the most notable outcomes of the electoral campaign.

The Local Government Elections Campaign in Tanzania was characterised by the prevalence of undemocratic practices, including the public announcement of potential candidates by prominent individuals. The process was characterised by a lack of transparency and fairness, and it afforded an unfair advantage to individuals with connections to politicians. The difficulties encountered by selected individuals at the local level in fulfilling their obligations underscore the necessity for a more democratic and transparent selection process.

Tanzania Media