On the 1st of July, 2024, the Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania and President of the International Parliamentary Union (IPU), Hon. Dr. Tulia Ackson, arrived in Luanda, Angola. Her visit marks a significant milestone in the realm of regional parliamentary collaboration, as she is set to attend the 55th Conference of the Southern African Development Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF). This event is not only a testament to the growing importance of parliamentary diplomacy but also underscores the critical role that legislative bodies play in fostering regional integration and development.

Dr. Tulia Ackson

The Importance of Dr. Tulia Ackson’s Visit

Dr. Tulia Ackson’s presence at the SADC-PF conference is highly significant for several reasons. As the Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania, she represents one of the most stable and progressive democracies in the Southern African region. Her leadership in the IPU further amplifies her influence, as the organization is a global entity that fosters cooperation and dialogue among parliaments worldwide. Her dual roles position her uniquely to bridge regional and international parliamentary efforts, promoting a cohesive approach to addressing common challenges.

The Southern African Development Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF)

The SADC-PF is a regional inter-parliamentary body that aims to bring together legislators from Southern African countries to discuss and address issues of mutual concern. Established in 1997, the forum has been instrumental in promoting democratic governance, human rights, and socio-economic development across the region. The 55th conference, which Dr. Ackson will attend, is expected to focus on a range of critical issues, including economic integration, climate change, public health, and gender equality.

Agenda and Key Issues

  1. Economic Integration: One of the primary topics on the agenda is the enhancement of economic integration within the Southern African region. The SADC-PF aims to create a more cohesive economic bloc that can compete on a global scale. Discussions will likely revolve around trade policies, infrastructure development, and the removal of trade barriers.

  2. Climate Change: Climate change remains a pressing issue for the region, which is particularly vulnerable to its impacts. The conference will address strategies for mitigating climate change and adapting to its effects. This includes discussions on renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and conservation efforts.

  3. Public Health: The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of robust public health systems. The forum will explore ways to strengthen healthcare infrastructure, improve access to medical services, and enhance pandemic preparedness.

  4. Gender Equality: Gender equality is a cornerstone of sustainable development. The conference will focus on policies and initiatives that promote women’s empowerment and gender parity in all spheres of life, including politics, education, and the workforce.

Dr. Tulia Ackson’s Contributions

Dr. Tulia Ackson is expected to play a pivotal role in these discussions. Her extensive experience in law, governance, and international relations equips her with the insights needed to contribute meaningfully to the conference’s objectives. As a staunch advocate for gender equality, she is likely to emphasize the importance of women’s participation in all aspects of development. Her leadership in the IPU also provides her with a global perspective that can enrich the regional dialogue.

The Broader Impact of the Conference

The outcomes of the 55th SADC-PF conference will have far-reaching implications for the Southern African region. By fostering dialogue and cooperation among member states, the forum aims to create a more unified and resilient region. The resolutions and agreements reached during the conference will serve as a roadmap for future initiatives and collaborations.

Strengthening Regional Ties

Dr. Ackson’s visit to Angola also symbolizes the strengthening of bilateral relations between Tanzania and Angola. Both countries share a commitment to regional stability and development, and their collaboration within the SADC-PF framework further solidifies this partnership. The exchange of ideas and best practices during the conference will enhance mutual understanding and cooperation.

The Role of Parliamentary Diplomacy

Parliamentary diplomacy is an essential tool for addressing global challenges. By facilitating dialogue among legislators from different countries, it promotes peace, stability, and development. Dr. Ackson’s participation in the SADC-PF conference highlights the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in achieving these goals. Her efforts to foster collaboration among parliaments will contribute to a more interconnected and cooperative world.

Looking Ahead

As the 55th SADC-PF conference unfolds, the focus will be on translating discussions into actionable outcomes. The forum’s success will depend on the commitment of member states to implement the agreed-upon resolutions. Dr. Ackson’s leadership and advocacy will be crucial in ensuring that the conference’s objectives are met.

Dr. Tulia Ackson’s arrival in Luanda for the 55th SADC-PF conference is a momentous occasion for the Southern African region. Her participation underscores the importance of parliamentary collaboration in addressing regional and global challenges. As the Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania and President of the IPU, she brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the forum. The conference’s focus on economic integration, climate change, public health, and gender equality aligns with her vision for a more inclusive and sustainable future. The outcomes of the conference will undoubtedly shape the region’s trajectory in the years to come, and Dr. Ackson’s contributions will be instrumental in driving positive change.

The Legacy of Dr. Tulia Ackson

Dr. Tulia Ackson’s journey to becoming a prominent figure in regional and international parliamentary circles is a testament to her dedication and leadership. Her career has been marked by a commitment to justice, equality, and development.

Dr. Tulia AcksonAs a legal scholar and practitioner, she has championed the rule of law and human rights. Her tenure as Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania has been characterized by efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and promote transparency.

A Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Dr. Ackson envisions a future where parliaments play a central role in shaping policies that promote sustainable development and social justice. Her work with the IPU reflects this vision, as the organization strives to enhance the capacity of parliaments to address global challenges. Through initiatives such as the IPU’s campaign for gender-sensitive parliaments and its efforts to combat climate change, Dr. Ackson is helping to create a more equitable and resilient world.

Empowering Women in Politics

One of Dr. Ackson’s key priorities is the empowerment of women in politics. She believes that gender equality is essential for achieving sustainable development. Her advocacy for women’s rights is rooted in her own experiences and the recognition that women bring valuable perspectives to the decision-making process. At the SADC-PF conference, she is expected to highlight the importance of creating an enabling environment for women’s participation in politics and governance.

Building Resilient Communities

In addition to her focus on gender equality, Dr. Ackson is committed to building resilient communities. She understands that addressing issues such as climate change and public health requires a holistic approach that involves all sectors of society. Her participation in the SADC-PF conference will provide an opportunity to share best practices and explore innovative solutions to these challenges.

Strengthening Democratic Institutions

Dr. Ackson’s leadership extends beyond her roles in Tanzania and the IPU. She is a strong advocate for strengthening democratic institutions worldwide. She believes that robust and transparent institutions are the foundation of good governance and sustainable development. Her efforts to promote parliamentary diplomacy are aimed at fostering a culture of accountability and inclusivity.

The Power of Collaboration

The 55th SADC-PF conference is a platform for collaboration among Southern African countries. Dr. Ackson’s presence underscores the importance of working together to address common challenges. By sharing experiences and learning from one another, member states can develop more effective strategies for achieving their development goals.

A Commitment to Sustainable Development

Dr. Ackson’s commitment to sustainable development is evident in her work with the IPU and her participation in regional forums such as the SADC-PF. She recognizes that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders, including parliaments. Her advocacy for policies that promote economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability aligns with the SDGs’ overarching vision.


Dr. Tulia Ackson’s visit to Luanda for the 55th SADC-PF conference is a significant event that highlights the importance of parliamentary collaboration in addressing regional and global challenges. Her leadership and advocacy will be instrumental in shaping the conference’s outcomes and driving positive change in the Southern African region. As the Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania and President of the IPU, she brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the forum. Her commitment to gender equality, sustainable development, and democratic governance will undoubtedly contribute to the success of the conference and the advancement of the region’s development agenda.

Dr. Tulia Ackson’s participation in the 55th SADC-PF conference is a testament to her dedication to fostering regional cooperation and addressing critical issues facing the Southern African region. Her leadership and vision will play a crucial role in shaping the conference’s outcomes and promoting a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.

Tanzania Media