The Fifteenth Meeting of the Parliament of Tanzania, held on June 7, 2024, marked a significant event in the nation’s legislative calendar. This session, part of the Forty-Third Session of Parliament, was notable not only for its early start at three in the morning but also for the critical issues debated. The meeting underscored the Parliament’s commitment to addressing pressing national matters and showcased the roles of key parliamentary figures.

Opening Proceedings

The session commenced with the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Mussa A. Zungu, reading the Dua, a traditional invocation seeking divine guidance and blessings. This ceremonial act set a solemn tone for the proceedings. The Deputy Speaker’s role in initiating the session was pivotal, emphasizing the importance of spiritual reflection before engaging in legislative duties.

Starting the Parliament at such an unusual hour—three in the morning—was a strategic decision. This timing aimed to accommodate extensive discussions and ensure that all critical issues were addressed without the constraints of a typical parliamentary day. The Deputy Speaker’s instruction for members to sit down was a call for order and focus, setting the stage for a disciplined and productive debate.

Parliamentary Debate

The parliamentary debate during the Fifteenth Meeting was robust and comprehensive. Key topics included national security, economic policies, and social welfare programs. Members of Parliament (MPs) engaged in spirited discussions, presenting diverse perspectives and solutions.

One of the highlights was the debate on economic reforms aimed at boosting Tanzania’s growth. MPs discussed strategies to enhance agricultural productivity, improve infrastructure, and attract foreign investment. Social welfare programs, particularly those targeting education and healthcare, were also hotly debated, with members advocating for increased funding and better implementation.

The participation of different members was noteworthy. Senior MPs brought their experience to the table, while newer members introduced fresh ideas and perspectives. This dynamic interaction enriched the debate, ensuring that a wide range of views were considered.

Secretary’s Role

The Secretary of the Parliament, NDG. Athuman, played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth conduct of the Fifteenth Meeting. The Secretary’s responsibilities included maintaining records, managing communications, and providing procedural guidance to the members.

During the session, NDG. Athuman made several significant announcements, including updates on legislative bills and upcoming parliamentary schedules. The Secretary’s meticulous attention to detail and adherence to parliamentary protocols were instrumental in facilitating an orderly and efficient meeting.

The Fifteenth Meeting of the Parliament of Tanzania on June 7, 2024, was a landmark event. The session highlighted the Parliament’s dedication to addressing critical national issues through rigorous debate and discussion. The roles of the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Mussa A. Zungu, and the Secretary, NDG. Athuman, were pivotal in ensuring the success of the meeting.

This meeting’s outcomes are expected to have far-reaching implications for Tanzania’s legislative and policy landscape. The debates and decisions made during this session will likely influence future parliamentary proceedings and contribute to the nation’s progress.

In conclusion, the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parliament of Tanzania was a testament to the country’s robust democratic processes and the commitment of its leaders to serve the nation effectively.

How to Obtain Approval for Donations in Primary and Secondary Schools

Education Circular No. 3 of 2016 plays a pivotal role in regulating the acceptance of donations in schools. This document outlines the necessary procedures to ensure that donations are appropriately managed and utilised. Obtaining approval for donations is crucial to maintain transparency and accountability in both primary and secondary schools. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on the procedures to obtain approval for donations, as outlined in Education Circular No. 3 of 2016.

Understanding the Guidelines of Education Circular No. 3 of 2016

Purpose and Scope of Education Circular No. 3 of 2016

Education Circular No. 3 of 2016 was introduced to standardize the process of accepting donations in schools. Its primary aim is to ensure that donations are used effectively to enhance the educational environment. The circular applies to both primary and secondary schools, setting forth clear guidelines for obtaining approval for donations.

Requirements for Obtaining Approval for Donations in Primary Schools

The circular mandates that primary schools must follow a specific procedure to obtain approval for donations. This includes submitting detailed documentation and ensuring that the donations align with the school’s educational goals. The approval process is designed to prevent misuse of funds and ensure that donations are used for their intended purposes.

Mandatory Nature of Obtaining Approval for Donations in Secondary Schools

For secondary schools, obtaining approval for donations is not just recommended but mandatory. The circular emphasizes the need for secondary schools to adhere strictly to the outlined procedures. This ensures that donations are managed transparently and contribute positively to the school’s educational objectives.

Procedure for Obtaining Approval for Donations in Primary Schools

Step-by-Step Process for Obtaining Approval

  1. Initial Proposal Submission: The school administration must submit a proposal detailing the intended use of the donation.
  2. Documentation: Required documents include a detailed budget, a description of the donation, and a statement of how the donation will benefit the school.
  3. Review by School Board: The proposal and documentation are reviewed by the school board for initial approval.
  4. Submission to Education Authority: Once approved by the school board, the proposal is submitted to the relevant education authority for final approval.

Documentation and Forms Required

The required forms include:

  • Donation Proposal Form: Outlines the purpose and expected impact of the donation.
  • Budget Plan: Details the financial aspects of the donation.
  • Approval Request Form: Officially requests approval from the education authority.

Guidance on Filling Out Forms

Accurate and thorough completion of forms is essential. Ensure all sections are filled out correctly, providing detailed information to support the approval process. Double-check for any errors or omissions before submission.

 Procedure for Obtaining Approval for Donations in Secondary Schools

Step-by-Step Process for Obtaining Approval

  1. Proposal Development: Similar to primary schools, secondary schools must develop a detailed proposal.
  2. Comprehensive Documentation: Include a detailed budget, impact assessment, and alignment with educational goals.
  3. School Board Review: The proposal is reviewed by the school board for initial approval.
  4. Submission to Higher Authorities: The approved proposal is then submitted to higher education authorities for final approval.

Additional Considerations and Requirements

Secondary schools may face additional scrutiny due to the larger scale of operations. Ensure that all documentation is comprehensive and aligns with the school’s long-term educational strategy.

Navigating Potential Challenges

Challenges may include delays in approval or additional requests for information. To navigate these, maintain open communication with the approving authorities and be prepared to provide additional documentation if required.

Best Practices for Implementing Approved Donations in Schools

Importance of Proper Utilization and Management

Once donations are approved, it is crucial to manage and utilize them effectively. This ensures that the donations achieve their intended impact and contribute positively to the school’s educational environment.

Tips and Strategies for Effective Implementation

  • Transparent Reporting: Regularly report on the use of donations to stakeholders.
  • Engage the Community: Involve the school community in the implementation process to ensure broad support and engagement.
  • Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor the impact of donations and evaluate their effectiveness.

Benefits and Positive Impact

Well-utilized donations can significantly enhance the educational environment, providing resources that may otherwise be unavailable. This can lead to improved educational outcomes and a more enriched learning experience for students.

In conclusion, Education Circular No. 3 of 2016 provides a clear framework for obtaining approval for donations in both primary and secondary schools. By following the outlined procedures, schools can ensure that donations are managed transparently and used effectively to enhance the educational environment. Compliance with these guidelines is essential to maintain accountability and maximize the positive impact of donations. Schools are encouraged to take the necessary steps to adhere to these procedures, ensuring that donations contribute positively to their educational objectives.

fences in our communities. The allocated budget for fence repairs and completion by the council is insufficient, leading to a significant number of worn-out fences that desperately need repair. This article aims to shed light on the need for the government to allocate a substantial amount of money to address this issue effectively.

Insufficient Funds for Fence Repairs

The current allocation of funds to the council for fence repairs and completion is inadequate. This has resulted in a large number of fences being left in a state of disrepair, posing various risks to the community. Worn-out fences not only compromise the safety and security of our neighbourhoods but also contribute to a decline in the overall aesthetic appeal of the area.

The Need for Increased Funding

It is crucial for the government to recognize the urgent need for allocating a larger budget to address the repair and completion of fences. By doing so, they can ensure the safety and well-being of the community while also enhancing the overall appearance of our neighbourhoods. Adequate funding would enable the council to carry out necessary repairs and replacements, ensuring that fences are in good condition and serve their intended purpose effectively.

Repairing Worn-Out Fences

With a significant increase in funding, the council would be able to repair a large extent of the worn-out fences in our communities. This would involve conducting thorough inspections to identify fences in need of repair and implementing appropriate measures to restore them. By addressing this issue promptly, the government can demonstrate its commitment to the safety and welfare of its citizens.

The MMEM Program and Teacher Training Centres

Moving on to the second question, the MMEM program plays a vital role in the improvement and operation of teacher training centres.

DEPUTY MINISTER, OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, REGIONAL AND GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIONS OF LOCALS (HON. ZAINAB A. KATIMBA): Honourable Deputy Speaker, in the financial year 2024/2025 the Government has planned to do renovation of 50 old schools, therefore, let me assure him Honourable Member of Parliament.

As the Deputy Minister of the Office of the President, Regional and Government Administrations of Locals, Hon. Zainab A. Katimba plays a crucial role in overseeing various government initiatives and projects. In the upcoming financial year, the government has allocated funds for the renovation of 50 old schools, highlighting its commitment to improving the education infrastructure in the country.

Government Initiatives and Responsibilities

Under the leadership of Hon. Zainab A. Katimba, has been actively involved in implementing various initiatives to enhance the quality of education and ensure equal opportunities for all students. The renovation of old schools is one such initiative aimed at providing a conducive learning environment for students across the country.

Financial Year Budget Allocation

In the financial year 2024/2025, the government has allocated a significant portion of the budget towards the renovation of old schools. This allocation reflects the government’s commitment to investing in education and ensuring that students have access to well-maintained and modern learning facilities.

Hon. Zainab A. Katimba’s Achievements and Profile

Hon. Zainab A. Katimba, as the Deputy Minister of the Office of the President, Regional and Government Administrations of Locals, has a proven track record of accomplishments in the field of education. Her dedication and commitment to improving the education sector have earned her recognition and respect from her colleagues and constituents.

Role of Honourable Member of Parliament

As an Honourable Member of Parliament, it is crucial to support and advocate for government projects that benefit the local communities. The renovation of old schools is an opportunity for the Honourable Member of Parliament to collaborate with the government and ensure that the allocated funds are utilized effectively to achieve the desired outcomes.

Office of the President Functions

The Office of the President plays a pivotal role in coordinating and implementing government policies and programs. Under the leadership of Hon. Zainab A. Katimba, the Office of the President, Regional and Government Administrations of Locals, works closely with various stakeholders to ensure the successful execution of government initiatives, including the renovation of old schools.

Regional Government Administrations and Duties

Regional government administrations play a crucial role in the effective implementation of government policies and programs at the local level. Hon. Zainab A. Katimba, as the Deputy Minister, works closely with regional government administrations to ensure that the renovation of old schools is carried out efficiently and in line with the government’s objectives.

Renovation of 50 Old Schools

The renovation of 50 old schools is a significant undertaking that aims to address the infrastructure challenges faced by these educational institutions. The government’s commitment to this project highlights its dedication to providing quality education to all students, regardless of their geographical location.

School Refurbishment and its Impact

The refurbishment of old schools will have a positive impact on the overall learning experience of students. It will create a safe and conducive environment that promotes effective teaching and learning. Additionally, the upgraded facilities will attract more students and improve the reputation of these schools within the community.

In conclusion, the renovation of 50 old schools in the upcoming financial year demonstrates the government’s commitment to improving the education sector. Under the leadership of Hon. Zainab A. Katimba, the Deputy Minister of the Office of the President, Regional and Government Administrations of Locals, this initiative will contribute to providing quality education and equal opportunities for all students. The collaboration between the government and the Honourable Members of Parliament is crucial in ensuring the successful implementation of this project and achieving the desired outcomes.

In the Budget: Allocation for Feasibility Study in Dar es Salaam Region and Zanzibar

The Office of the Vice President has made a significant allocation in the budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025. A staggering amount of one billion shillings has been set aside for conducting a feasibility study. This study aims to identify and recommend areas for construction and urban development in the Dar es Salaam Region, including the Kinondoni District, as well as in Zanzibar.

Importance of a Feasibility Study

Before embarking on any construction or infrastructure development project, it is crucial to conduct a thorough feasibility study. This study assesses the viability and potential of various locations, taking into account factors such as environmental impact, economic feasibility, and social considerations. By conducting a comprehensive feasibility study, decision-makers can make informed choices and ensure that resources are allocated effectively.

Budget Allocation for Fiscal Year 2024/2025

The budget allocation of one billion shillings for the feasibility study demonstrates the government’s commitment to strategic urban planning and development. This substantial investment reflects the importance placed on creating sustainable and well-designed infrastructure that meets the needs of the growing population in the Dar es Salaam Region and Zanzibar.

Focus on Dar es Salaam Region

Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania, is a bustling economic hub and the country’s commercial capital. As such, it requires careful planning and development to accommodate its ever-expanding population and growing infrastructure demands. The feasibility study will focus on identifying areas within the Dar es Salaam Region that are suitable for construction projects, taking into consideration factors such as transportation, accessibility, and environmental impact.

Kinondoni District: A Key Area of Interest

Within the Dar es Salaam Region, the Kinondoni District holds particular significance. As one of the three administrative districts in the region, Kinondoni is home to a diverse population and encompasses both urban and suburban areas. The feasibility study will pay special attention to Kinondoni, identifying potential sites for construction and urban development that align with the district’s needs and objectives.

Unlocking the Potential of Zanzibar

Zanzibar, known for its pristine beaches and rich cultural heritage, is a popular tourist destination. However, the island also faces the challenge of balancing tourism development with preserving its natural beauty and cultural authenticity. The feasibility study will explore construction plans for Zanzibar, ensuring that any development aligns with sustainable tourism practices and benefits the local community.

Collaborative Approach and Recommendations

To ensure the success of the feasibility study, a collaborative approach will be adopted. Experts from various fields, including urban planning, architecture, environmental science, and social development, will work together to assess potential areas for construction and infrastructure development. Their recommendations will be based on a holistic understanding of the region’s needs, taking into account factors such as population growth, economic potential, and environmental sustainability.

The allocation of one billion shillings in the budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025 demonstrates the government’s commitment to strategic urban planning and development in the Dar es Salaam Region and Zanzibar. The feasibility study will play a crucial role in identifying suitable areas for construction and infrastructure development, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and sustainably. By investing in comprehensive planning, Tanzania aims to create vibrant and well-designed urban spaces that enhance the quality of life for its citizens and visitors alike.

Major Project: Urban Electrification in Mbulu City

Mbulu City is set to undergo a major transformation in terms of its electricity infrastructure. With 58 streets in the city, the State of Mbulu City has made significant progress in electrifying 46 streets. However, 12 streets still lack access to electricity. In response to this, the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) has conducted an assessment and devised a plan to electrify these remaining streets through a major project. This article explores the details of this project and its impact on the city.

The Need for Electricity Coverage

Access to electricity is a fundamental requirement for the development and progress of any city. It plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life for residents, enabling economic growth, and enhancing overall infrastructure. In Mbulu City, the lack of electricity in 12 streets has hindered the potential for development and limited opportunities for its residents.

REA Assessment and Street Electrification Plan

The REA, recognizing the importance of electricity connectivity, conducted a comprehensive assessment of the electricity infrastructure in Mbulu City. Based on their findings, they have formulated a street electrification plan to address the gaps in electricity coverage.

The major project aims to provide electricity to the remaining 12 streets in Mbulu City. This initiative involves the installation of necessary infrastructure, such as power lines, transformers, and distribution networks. The project will be executed in a phased manner, ensuring efficient implementation and minimal disruption to the city’s daily activities.

Benefits of the Major Project

The street electrification project in Mbulu City will bring numerous benefits to the residents and the overall development of the city. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Improved Quality of Life: Access to electricity will enhance the living conditions of residents, allowing for better lighting, improved healthcare services, and increased safety and security.
  2. Economic Growth: Electricity availability will attract businesses and investments, leading to job creation and economic opportunities for the residents of Mbulu City.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The major project will contribute to the overall development of the city’s infrastructure, including the improvement of roads, public transportation, and communication networks.
  4. Environmental Impact: The project will promote the use of clean and renewable energy sources, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

In conclusion, the major project for urban electrification in Mbulu City is a significant step towards improving the quality of life for residents and driving the overall development of the city. With the implementation of this project, the remaining 12 streets will have access to electricity, unlocking new opportunities and transforming Mbulu City into a thriving urban centre.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Dr. The Closet.

HON. Dr. RITTA E. KABATI: Honourable Deputy Speaker, when is it?

The government will provide electricity to the citizens in the Street of Msisina, Msalagala, and Kisowele, Iringa Urban because the areas were in Ismani State? (Applause)

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Dr. The Closet, the government has taken a proactive step to address the electricity needs of the citizens in the Street of Msisina, Msalagala, and Kisowele, located in Iringa Urban. This initiative is part of the government’s commitment to improving the quality of life for its citizens by ensuring access to essential services such as electricity.

HON. Dr. RITTA E. KABATI: Honourable Deputy Speaker, this is indeed a commendable effort by the government. Could you please provide more details about the timeline and implementation plan for this electricity provision?

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Certainly, Honourable Dr. Kabati. The government has recognized the importance of electricity in driving economic growth and improving living standards. Therefore, it has allocated resources to ensure that the citizens in the Street of Msisina, Msalagala, and Kisowele receive electricity in a timely manner.

The implementation plan involves collaboration between the government and relevant stakeholders, including utility companies and local authorities. The government will oversee the project’s execution to ensure its successful completion. The timeline for the electricity provision will be communicated to the citizens through official channels, ensuring transparency and accountability.

HON. Dr. RITTA E. KABATI: Honourable Deputy Speaker, I would also like to inquire about the specific benefits that the citizens in these areas will experience once they have access to electricity.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Dr. Kabati, the provision of electricity in the Street of Msisina, Msalagala, and Kisowele will have numerous positive impacts on the lives of the citizens. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Improved quality of life: Access to electricity will enhance the overall quality of life for the citizens in these areas. They will be able to enjoy modern conveniences such as lighting, refrigeration, and electronic devices.
  2. Economic opportunities: Electricity is essential for economic development. With access to electricity, the citizens will have opportunities to start businesses, operate machinery, and engage in productive activities that can generate income and create employment.
  3. Education and communication: Electricity enables access to information and communication technologies. Students will have better study conditions with adequate lighting, and access to computers and the internet. It will also facilitate communication through electronic devices and improve connectivity.
  4. Health and safety: Electricity is crucial for healthcare facilities, ensuring the availability of medical equipment, refrigeration for vaccines and medicines, and lighting for surgeries and emergency services. It will also enhance safety by providing street lighting and reducing the risk of accidents and crime.

The government is committed to ensuring that these benefits are realized by the citizens in the Street of Msisina, Msalagala, and Kisowele.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Deputy Minister.


Honourable Deputy Speaker, answering two supplementary questions

Honourable Londo, Member of Parliament for Mikumi, as follows:-

Honourable Deputy Speaker, firstly, Honourable Member of Parliament, he advises that why now the Government does not see the importance of entering into joint venture agreements on the operation of these colleges?

For this advice that the Honourable Member of Parliament gives us, the Government can assure him that we have received it and we are committed to conducting a detailed evaluation. This evaluation will enable us to identify the areas where the Government can enter into partnerships with both public and private organizations.

The Government recognizes the importance of joint venture agreements in the operation of colleges. These agreements can bring numerous benefits, such as sharing resources, expertise, and funding. By partnering with external organizations, colleges can enhance their educational programs, improve infrastructure, and provide students with better opportunities.

However, it is crucial to note that the Government has been actively involved in various initiatives to improve the quality of education in the country. We have implemented policies and programs aimed at enhancing the educational system, promoting research and innovation, and ensuring access to quality education for all.

The Government believes in a comprehensive approach to education, which includes collaboration with various stakeholders. We have been working closely with international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and private sector entities to address the challenges faced by our education system.

While joint venture agreements can be beneficial, it is essential to carefully evaluate each partnership opportunity. The Government will conduct a thorough assessment to ensure that any collaboration aligns with our educational goals and values.

Improving Food Production Industries: Government’s Plan for Animal Feed Production

Honourable Members of Parliament, we continue with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, where Mr. Ngonyani will address the topic of improving food production industries, specifically focusing on the production of animal feed in the country. (Applause)

Question from Hon. Jacqueline N. Msongongi

Hon. Jacqueline N. Msongongi asked: What is the Government’s plan to improve the industries of animal feed production in the country?

Response from Deputy Minister of Industries and Commerce

Mr. Deputy Speaker, I thank Honourable Member Msongongi for raising this important question. The Government is fully committed to enhancing the industries involved in the production of animal feed in our country. We recognize the significance of a robust and sustainable animal feed sector in supporting the growth and development of our livestock industry.

Government’s Goals and Timelines

To address this, the Government has set clear goals and timelines. By October, we aim to complete the necessary preparations to commence offering short-term courses in November. These courses will equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to contribute effectively to the animal feed production industry. Furthermore, in January next year, we will begin offering long courses that delve deeper into the subject matter, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of animal feed production.

Ensuring Operational Colleges

Our primary objective is to ensure that these colleges are fully operational by October, allowing us to meet our set timelines. This will enable us to provide quality education and training to individuals interested in pursuing a career in the animal feed production sector.

Investing in Education and Training

By investing in education and training, we aim to develop a skilled workforce that can drive innovation, improve production techniques, and enhance the overall quality of animal feed in the country. This, in turn, will positively impact the livestock industry.

Benefits of Producing Livestock Food Internally

Enhanced Food Security

One of the primary benefits of producing livestock food internally is improved food security. Relying heavily on imported livestock food leaves us vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, price fluctuations, and potential trade restrictions. By increasing domestic production, we can ensure a stable and consistent supply of livestock food, reducing the risk of food shortages and price volatility.

Promotion of Local Industries

Producing livestock food internally stimulates the growth of local industries. When we rely on imports, we miss out on the opportunity to develop our own agricultural sector and support local farmers and businesses. By investing in domestic production, we can create a thriving industry that contributes to the overall economic growth and stability of our country.

Job Creation

Expanding domestic production of livestock food leads to job creation. The establishment of new factories and farms, as well as the expansion of existing ones, requires a skilled workforce. By investing in training and employment opportunities within the agricultural sector, we can reduce unemployment rates and improve the livelihoods of our citizens.

Deficit of Livestock Food Processed in Our Factories

Despite the efforts made by the government, there is still a deficit of livestock food processed in our factories. This deficit arises due to various factors, including inadequate infrastructure, limited funding, and lack of technological advancements. Addressing these challenges is crucial to increase the capacity and efficiency of our livestock food processing facilities.

By investing in infrastructure development, providing financial support to farmers and processors, and promoting research and development in the livestock food industry, we can overcome the deficit and meet the growing demand for domestically processed livestock food.

Honourable Deputy Speaker: Assuring Commitment to the Completion of a Strategic Project

In response to the question raised by the Honourable Member of Parliament, I would like to reiterate my commitment to the timely completion of the project at hand. As the Deputy Speaker, I understand the significance of this project, both in terms of its strategic importance and its impact on the well-being of our citizens. Rest assured, we are dedicated to ensuring its successful implementation.

Project Completion Timeline

As mentioned previously, the projected completion date for this project is set for July, 2025 and beyond. With approximately 12 months remaining, we are well aware of the urgency and importance of meeting this deadline. Our team is fully committed to working diligently to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to bring this project to fruition within the specified timeframe.

Assurances to the Honourable Member of Parliament

Mr. Member of Parliament, I assure you that we understand the political and health-related significance of this project. It is not only a matter of strategic importance but also a testament to our commitment to the well-being of our citizens. We recognize the need for continued financial support to ensure the successful completion of this project.

Financial Commitment

Rest assured, the necessary funds will be allocated and deployed effectively to ensure the smooth progress of this project. We understand the importance of financial stability and its direct impact on the timely completion of such endeavors. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that the financial resources required for this project are readily available and utilized efficiently.

Addressing Specific Areas of Concern

Honourable Deputy Speaker, I would like to address the second question raised by the Honourable Member of Parliament regarding the Bukura, Sakawa, and Nyihara areas. I am aware that Nyihara is one of the areas where this project is set to be implemented in the current fiscal year. We acknowledge the importance of these areas and their specific needs.

Call for Cooperation

In light of the aforementioned information, I would like to extend a request for cooperation from the Honourable Member of Parliament. Together, we can ensure the successful implementation of this project and address the needs of our citizens effectively. By working hand in hand, we can overcome any challenges that may arise and achieve the desired outcomes.

In conclusion, as the Honourable Deputy Speaker, I reaffirm my commitment to the timely completion of this strategic project. The allocated funds will be utilized efficiently, and we will work closely with the Honourable Member of Parliament to address the specific concerns of the Bukura, Sakawa, and Nyihara areas. By fostering cooperation and collaboration, we can achieve our shared goals and enhance the well-being of our citizens.

Water Efficiency Techniques: Ensuring Minimal Water Loss

Understanding the Importance of Water Conservation

Water conservation plays a vital role in ensuring the sustainable use of this valuable resource. By conserving water, we can reduce the strain on water sources, protect ecosystems, and mitigate the impacts of droughts and water shortages. It is essential to adopt water conservation measures at both individual and community levels to ensure a secure water future for generations to come.

Minimizing Water Loss: A Global Concern

Water loss is a significant issue that needs urgent attention. Globally, approximately 15% of treated water is lost due to leaks, inefficient infrastructure, and other factors. This not only leads to wastage of water but also puts a strain on water supply systems and increases costs for consumers. To tackle this problem, it is crucial to implement measures that can minimize water loss and improve overall water management.

Techniques for Water Efficiency

  1. Leak Detection and Repair: Regular inspection and maintenance of water supply systems can help identify and fix leaks promptly. By addressing leaks, we can prevent water loss and ensure efficient water distribution.
  2. Water Metering: Installing water meters can help monitor water usage and identify areas of excessive consumption. This information can be used to implement targeted conservation measures and promote responsible water use.
  3. Water-efficient Appliances: Upgrading to water-efficient appliances such as low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets can significantly reduce water consumption without compromising functionality.
  4. Rainwater Harvesting: Collecting and storing rainwater for non-potable uses like irrigation and toilet flushing can help reduce reliance on freshwater sources.
  5. Greywater Recycling: Treating and reusing greywater from activities like laundry and dishwashing can provide an additional source of water for non-potable purposes.
  6. Education and Awareness: Promoting water conservation through educational campaigns and community outreach can encourage individuals to adopt water-saving habits and practices.

By implementing these water efficiency techniques, we can make a significant impact in conserving water and minimizing water loss. It is essential for individuals, communities, and governments to work together to ensure a sustainable water future for all.


HON. AIDA J. KHENANI: Honourable Deputy Speaker,

I would like to express my gratitude for this opportunity to address the issue of access to water in Namanyere Sub-town Authority. It is a matter of great concern that the current access to water stands at only 52%, with a significant water loss of 47%. This situation calls for immediate action to ensure that the residents have access to clean and reliable water supply.

I would like to inquire about the allocation of funds for this crucial project. We are in need of 400 million shillings to address the water scarcity and repair the damaged infrastructure. It is essential that we receive the necessary financial support to undertake these necessary repairs and improvements.

Honourable Deputy Speaker, I appreciate the question raised by Mr. Aida, and I would like to provide a comprehensive response.

The government has already acknowledged the urgency of this matter and has addressed it in Parliament. On Friday, Minister Hamidu Aweso directed the allocation of 400 million shillings to ensure the completion of this project. This funding will be utilized to repair the damaged infrastructure and improve access to water in Namanyere Sub-town Authority.

Once the project is completed, the people of Namanyere will benefit from a reliable and sustainable water supply. This will significantly improve their quality of life and contribute to the overall development of the region.

In conclusion, I assure you that the government is committed to addressing the water scarcity issue in Namanyere Sub-town Authority. The allocated funds will be utilized efficiently to ensure the successful completion of the project. We understand the importance of access to clean water, and we are dedicated to providing the necessary resources to meet the needs of the community.

Converting Schools into School: A Comprehensive Plan for School Infrastructure Development

The Government’s Vision for School Infrastructure Development

In today’s session, we will address the crucial topic of converting schools into school, focusing on the government’s plan to build 56 schools dedicated to sports development. This initiative aims to nurture and enhance the talents of young individuals in Tanzania. With the support of experts in the field, the government is committed to ensuring the continuity of these training programs.

Enhancing Sports Infrastructure in Schools

The 56 schools, two in each mainland Tanzania region and the Islands, will serve as dedicated hubs for sports development. These schools will not only provide quality education but also focus on developing state-of-the-art sports infrastructure. By investing in modern facilities, the government aims to create an environment conducive to the growth and development of young athletes.

The Role of the Government in Sports Development

As the Honourable Deputy Speaker rightly pointed out, the government plays a pivotal role in sports development. Recognizing the significance of sports in fostering physical and mental well-being, the government is committed to providing the necessary resources and infrastructure to support aspiring athletes.

Expert Training Programs for Talent Development

To ensure the success of this initiative, the government has enlisted the expertise of professionals in the field. These experts will provide specialized training programs to nurture and enhance the talents of young individuals. By leveraging their knowledge and experience, the government aims to create a solid foundation for the development of future athletes.

TARIMBA G. ABBAS: Honourable Deputy Speaker

I thank you for giving me the opportunity to address this important issue. I am glad to hear that there is an under 17 league in Tanzania, but it seems that this league is not being promoted as it should be.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Minister

I would like to acknowledge and congratulate Mr. Tarimba Gulam Abbas for his significant contribution to the development of sports in Tanzania. It is heartening to see him celebrating the success of the Yanga cup. However, I would also like to ask if he would extend his support to the United Lions as well. (Applause)

In response to your question, Honourable Deputy Speaker, the under 17 league is currently being managed by the championship committee. The league aims to provide a platform for young talents to showcase their skills and nurture their potential. However, it is true that the league may not be receiving the attention and promotion it deserves.


Thank you, Honourable Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to address this matter. I would like to express my appreciation to Mr. Tarimba Gulam Abbas for his dedication to the development of sports in our country.

The under 17 league plays a crucial role in identifying and nurturing young talents in Tanzania. It serves as a stepping stone for these young athletes to progress to higher levels of competition. However, I understand the concerns raised regarding the promotion of this league.

As the Minister of Culture, Arts, and Sports, I assure you that we are committed to promoting and supporting youth sports development in Tanzania. We recognize the importance of providing opportunities for young athletes to excel and reach their full potential.

Increasing the Towers Power with a Generator – Cut of Bukiko

 Government’s Commitment to Enhancing Communication Services in Bukiko

Upgrade from 2G to 3G: Benefits and Impact

Addressing Intermittent Power Supply with Generators

Proactive Measures to Mitigate Communication Problems

The Government’s Plan to Enhance Communication Services in Bukiko

Hon. Joseph M. Mkundi raised concerns about the power of the tower in the Ward of Bukiko and questioned when the Government would increase it from 2G to 3G and implement a generator backup system. He highlighted the serious communication problem caused by this issue.

In response, the Deputy Minister of Information, Communication, and Technology of News assured the Deputy Speaker that the Government is fully committed to improving communication services in Bukiko. To achieve this, the Government will utilize the Universal Communications Service Access Fund (UCSAF) to upgrade the communication infrastructure and support 3G and 4G technologies. The project will also focus on strengthening the energy infrastructure, including the installation of generators. The implementation is scheduled to begin in the 2024/2025 fiscal year.

The upgrade from 2G to 3G is a significant step towards enhancing communication capabilities in Bukiko. It will provide residents with faster internet speeds, improved call quality, and better overall connectivity. This advancement will enable individuals, businesses, and government agencies to access a wide range of digital services, such as mobile banking, e-commerce, and telemedicine.

One of the major challenges faced in Bukiko is the intermittent power supply, which disrupts communication services. To address this issue, the Government will install generators as part of the project. These generators will serve as backup power sources, ensuring uninterrupted communication services even during power outages. With a reliable power source, the tower will operate efficiently, providing consistent coverage and connectivity to the residents of Bukiko.

The decision to upgrade the tower’s power and install generators is a proactive measure taken by the Government to mitigate communication problems caused by power disruptions. By implementing these measures, the Government aims to ensure that the residents of Bukiko have reliable and uninterrupted communication services.

The Importance of Timely Task Completion

Thank you for bringing up this important issue. It is crucial that tasks assigned to us are completed on time to ensure the smooth functioning of our responsibilities. I assure you that I will personally oversee the management of these tasks to avoid any doubts or delays.

The Need for Communication Towers in Gehandu Ward

Honourable Deputy Speaker, I would like to address the concern raised by Honourable Member of Parliament, Mr. Asia A. Halamga, regarding the deployment of communication towers in Gehandu Ward. The citizens of Gehandu Ward are currently relying on the communication tower in the neighboring Beat Ward. This situation poses challenges and inconveniences for the residents of Gehandu Ward, particularly in terms of connectivity and access to essential services.

Government’s Commitment to Deploy Communication Towers

I am pleased to inform you that the government is fully aware of the need for a communication tower in Gehandu Ward. We understand the importance of reliable and efficient communication infrastructure in today’s digital age. The Ministry of Information, Communication, and Technology is actively working on deploying a communication tower in Gehandu Ward to address the concerns raised by the citizens of Ishiponga in Hanang State.

Timeline for Deployment

While I cannot provide an exact timeline for the deployment of the communication tower at this moment, I assure you that the government is committed to expediting the process. We are currently in the planning and implementation phase, which involves various technical and logistical considerations. Our aim is to ensure that the communication tower is deployed as soon as possible to improve connectivity and access to essential services for the residents of Gehandu Ward.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Minister


UPDATE: Honourable Deputy Speaker, I would like to answer the question of the addition of Mr. Sophia Mwakagenda, as follows:

Honourable Deputy Speaker, this area of ​​Ilima is already in the program of the Ministry. I want to assure you that we are not only going to build towers but also ensure that we enhance the equipment in the towers of the neighbourhood so that signals can reach Ilima and all the surrounding areas. (Applause)

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Members of Parliament, we continue with the Ministry of Agriculture. Mr. Kuchauka.

And. 561

Investigating Diseases Affecting Cashews – Liwale

HON. ZUBERI M. KUCHAUKA asked: – Is the Government taking any measures to address the diseases affecting cashew trees in Liwale?


Thank you, Honourable Member, for raising this important question. The Government is fully aware of the challenges faced by cashew farmers in Liwale due to diseases affecting their trees. We have taken several measures to address this issue and ensure the sustainability of the cashew industry in the region.

Firstly, the Ministry of Agriculture has established a dedicated task force to investigate and monitor the diseases affecting cashew trees in Liwale. This task force comprises experts in the field who are working closely with local farmers to identify the specific diseases and develop effective strategies for their control.

In addition, the Government has allocated a significant budget to support research and development activities aimed at finding long-term solutions to the diseases affecting cashew trees. This includes funding for the establishment of research centres, laboratories, and the recruitment of specialized personnel.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture is actively promoting the adoption of good agricultural practices among cashew farmers in Liwale. This includes providing training and extension services.

Parasite in the Soil: Understanding Fusarium Wilt and Its Impact on Cashew Trees

Fusarium wilt, a devastating disease caused by a soil-dwelling parasite known as sp, poses a significant threat to cashew trees. This disease leads to the drying of cashew plants, resulting in substantial economic losses for farmers. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the government has taken proactive measures to educate farmers and agricultural experts about effective methods to combat this destructive disease.

Understanding Fusarium Wilt

Fusarium wilt is a plant disease caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. This pathogen primarily affects cashew trees, leading to wilting, stunted growth, and ultimately the death of the plant. The fungus invades the roots of the cashew tree, blocking the water-conducting vessels and disrupting the plant’s ability to absorb essential nutrients. As a result, the affected trees experience a gradual decline in health, leading to significant yield losses.

The Threat to Cashew Trees

Cashew trees are highly susceptible to fusarium wilt, making this disease a major concern for cashew farmers. The drying of cashew plants not only affects the livelihoods of farmers but also impacts the overall cashew industry. Cashew nuts are a valuable cash crop, and any decline in production can have severe economic consequences.

Government Initiatives: Education and Prevention

Recognizing the need to address the fusarium wilt crisis, the government has taken proactive steps to provide education and support to farmers and agricultural experts. By disseminating information about previous methods to combat the disease, the government aims to equip farmers with the knowledge and tools necessary to prevent and manage fusarium wilt effectively.

Through workshops, training programs, and awareness campaigns, the government is actively engaging with farmers to educate them about the signs, symptoms, and preventive measures for fusarium wilt. By promoting early detection and implementing preventive strategies, farmers can minimize the impact of this disease on their cashew plantations.

Addressing Farmer Concerns: Pesticide Subsidies

During discussions surrounding the government’s efforts to combat fusarium wilt, concerns were raised about the availability and selection of pesticides. Farmers often face a bewildering array of pesticide options in stores, which can be confusing and overwhelming. To address this issue, the government has subsidized specific pesticides that have proven effective in controlling fusarium wilt. This initiative aims to streamline the selection process for farmers, ensuring they have access to reliable and affordable solutions.


Fusarium wilt poses a significant threat to cashew trees, impacting the livelihoods of farmers and the cashew industry as a whole. However, with the government’s proactive approach in providing education and support, farmers can better understand and combat this destructive disease. By implementing preventive measures and utilizing subsidized pesticides, farmers can protect their cashew plantations and mitigate the economic losses caused by fusarium wilt.

Through ongoing collaboration between the government, farmers, and agricultural experts, it is possible to overcome the challenges posed by fusarium wilt and ensure the long-term sustainability of the cashew industry. By staying informed, adopting best practices, and leveraging available resources, farmers can effectively manage fusarium wilt and secure a prosperous future for cashew cultivation.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Deputy Minister

DEPUTY MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE: Honourable Deputy Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I announce the Government’s readiness to cooperate with any stakeholder to conduct research in this country. Whether the stakeholder is from abroad or an institution within the country, we are prepared to collaborate with them. However, it is imperative that all parties comply with the conditions and laws of our country. Thank you. (Applause)

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you. Honourable Members of Parliament, we shall continue. Mr. Francis Ndulane.

HON. FRANCIS K. NDULANE asked: When will the government provide the best sesame seeds to the people of Kilwa district so they can produce a substantial amount of sesame, given that they currently use natural seeds?

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Deputy Minister.

DEPUTY MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE replied: Honourable Deputy Speaker, the Government has continued to motivate the farmers of the sesame crop in Kilwa District to use better seeds to increase production. In the 2023/2024 season, the Government distributed a total of 10 tons of the best sesame seed to Kilwa farmers and established model farms for better sesame cultivation in the Wards of Likawa and Mandawa. Additionally, the Government, through the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), has provided education to farmers in the Wards of Migruwe and Mandawa about the importance of using high-quality seeds and the principles of good sesame cultivation to increase productivity. (Applause)


Government Cooperation in Agricultural Research

The Government’s commitment to cooperate with any stakeholder to conduct research is a significant step towards enhancing the agricultural sector. This cooperation extends to both local and international stakeholders, ensuring that the research conducted is comprehensive and beneficial to the country’s agricultural development.

Importance of Conducting Research

Conducting research in agriculture is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Innovation and Improvement: Research leads to the development of new farming techniques and the improvement of existing ones.
  2. Increased Productivity: By understanding the best practices and the most suitable crops for different regions, farmers can significantly increase their yield.
  3. Sustainability: Research helps in finding sustainable farming methods that are environmentally friendly and economically viable.

Government’s Role in Facilitating Research

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture emphasized the Government’s readiness to collaborate with stakeholders. This collaboration is essential for:

  • Providing Resources: The Government can offer resources such as funding, land, and facilities for research.
  • Regulatory Support: Ensuring that all research activities comply with national laws and regulations.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Facilitating the exchange of knowledge between local and international researchers.

Enhancing Sesame Production in Kilwa District

The Government’s initiative to provide the best sesame seeds to farmers in Kilwa District is a testament to its commitment to improving agricultural productivity.

Distribution of High-Quality Seeds

In the 2023/2024 season, the Government distributed 10 tons of high-quality sesame seeds to farmers in Kilwa. This initiative aims to:

  • Increase Yield: High-quality seeds are more likely to produce a higher yield compared to natural seeds.
  • Improve Quality: The quality of the sesame produced is expected to be superior, making it more competitive in the market.

Establishment of Model Farms

Model farms have been established in the Wards of Likawa and Mandawa. These farms serve as:

  • Demonstration Sites: Farmers can learn the best practices for sesame cultivation.
  • Research Centers: Ongoing research can be conducted to continuously improve farming techniques.

Educational Programs for Farmers

Through the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), the Government has provided educational programs to farmers in the Wards of Migruwe and Mandawa. These programs focus on:

  • Importance of High-Quality Seeds: Educating farmers on the benefits of using high-quality seeds.
  • Good Cultivation Practices: Teaching farmers the principles of good cultivation to increase productivity.


The Government’s proactive approach in cooperating with stakeholders to conduct research and its efforts to enhance sesame production in Kilwa District are commendable. These initiatives not only aim to increase agricultural productivity but also ensure sustainable and profitable farming practices. By providing high-quality seeds, establishing model farms, and educating farmers, the Government is paving the way for a more prosperous agricultural sector.

HON. FRANCIS K. NDULANE: Honourable Deputy Speaker, Along with the Good Answers of the Government, I Would Like to Ask Questions Two Additions

Honourable Deputy Speaker, today I stand before you to address some pressing concerns regarding the agricultural sector in Kilwa District. The Government has been proactive in addressing various issues, but there are two additional questions that need immediate attention. These questions pertain to the challenges faced by the sesame crop due to pests and the impact of heavy rains on coconut and orange crops.

Challenges Faced by Sesame Crop in Kilwa District

The sesame crop in Kilwa District has been facing significant challenges, primarily due to pests and the lack of effective medicine. This situation has adversely affected the yield and quality of the sesame crop, which is a vital source of income for many farmers in the region.

Government’s Strategy to Combat Pests in Sesame Crop

Honourable Deputy Speaker, the first question I would like to pose is: Does the Government have a strategy to ensure the availability of effective medicine to combat pests in the sesame crop in Kilwa District?

Answer from the Deputy Minister of Agriculture

Dear Deputy Speaker, thank you. I would like to congratulate the Kilwa North Constituency Member of Parliament for his continued vigilance in monitoring the welfare of his constituents, particularly those engaged in agriculture.

When any damage occurs, one of our primary responsibilities as the Ministry of Agriculture is to provide the necessary drugs or pesticides to address the challenges faced by the crops. For that, we need to be informed by the concerned council or region, and we will take immediate action. We are always ready to implement measures to combat such issues. (Applause)

Impact of Heavy Rains on Coconut and Orange Crops

The second question pertains to the recent heavy rains caused by El-Nino and Typhoon Hidaya, which have severely damaged coconut and orange crops. Approximately 100,000 oranges have been affected by the floods, causing significant distress to the farmers.

Government’s Strategy to Support Affected Farmers

Honourable Deputy Speaker, the second question I would like to ask is: What is the Government’s strategy to help the farmers of coconut and orange crops to ensure that these crops return to normal production?

Answer from the Deputy Minister of Agriculture

Honourable Deputy Speaker, regarding the coconuts that have been affected, I can confirm that before the tenth month of this year, the Ministry will distribute free coconut seedlings to the farmers who have been impacted by this ordeal. This initiative aims to help the farmers recover and restore their production levels. (Applause)

In conclusion, the Government has shown a strong commitment to addressing the challenges faced by farmers in Kilwa District. By ensuring the availability of effective medicine for the sesame crop and providing support to farmers affected by heavy rains, the Government is taking significant steps to safeguard the agricultural sector. These measures will not only help in mitigating the immediate challenges but also contribute to the long-term sustainability and growth of agriculture in the region.

Call to Action

It is crucial for the local councils and regions to promptly report any agricultural challenges to the Ministry of Agriculture. Timely information will enable the Government to take swift action and provide the necessary support to the farmers. Together, we can ensure the prosperity and resilience of our agricultural sector.

By addressing these concerns, we can work towards a more robust and resilient agricultural sector in Kilwa District. Thank you. (Applause)

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you. Honorable Members of Parliament, we are going to the Ministry of Mines, Honorable Agnes Hokororo to on behalf of Mr. Cecil Mwambe. And. 563 Mbunyu Mining Chiwata Ward – Ndanda

In a recent parliamentary session, the Deputy Speaker addressed the Honourable Members of Parliament regarding the pressing issues surrounding the Ministry of Mines. Honourable Agnes Hokororo was called upon to speak on behalf of Mr. Cecil Mwambe concerning the Mbunyu Mining project in Chiwata Ward, Ndanda.

Key Issues Raised

Government’s Plan for Mbunyu Mining Project

Question: What is the Government’s plan to ensure the extraction of Mbunyu is implemented in Chiwata – Ndanda Ward?

Response: The Deputy Minister of Mines responded by outlining the steps taken by the Ministry to facilitate the Mbunyu Mining project. Two medium mining licenses, ML 591/2018 and ML 592/2018, were issued to Volt Graphite Tanzania Public Limited Company for conducting graphite mining activities in the Mbunyu Project in Ndanda State. However, the project has faced delays due to the lack of agreement between Volt Graphite Company and potential buyers (off-takers).

Current Status and Future Plans

Current Status: The project has not commenced mining operations since the issuance of the licenses. The delay is primarily due to the pending agreement between Volt Graphite Company and the buyers.

Future Plans: The Deputy Minister highlighted that an investor has signed a contract with Property Matrix Limited Company to assess the compensation for the citizens residing in the project location. Additionally, Volt Graphite Company is in the final stages of negotiations with buyers to facilitate the construction of a value-added factory for processing the extracted graphite.

Detailed Analysis

Licensing and Delays

The issuance of licenses ML 591/2018 and ML 592/2018 to Volt Graphite Tanzania Public Limited Company was a significant step towards initiating the Mbunyu Mining project. However, the delay in reaching an agreement with buyers has stalled the project. This highlights the challenges faced in the mining sector, where securing buyers and investors is crucial for the commencement of operations.

Compensation and Community Impact

The involvement of Property Matrix Limited Company to assess compensation for the affected citizens is a positive step. It ensures that the local community is considered and compensated fairly for any disruptions caused by the mining activities. This approach aligns with sustainable mining practices that prioritize the well-being of local communities.

Negotiations and Value Addition

The ongoing negotiations between Volt Graphite Company and potential buyers are critical for the project’s success. The establishment of a value-added factory for processing graphite will not only enhance the project’s economic viability but also create job opportunities and contribute to the local economy.

HON. AGNES E. HOKORORO: Honourable Deputy Speaker, Thank You and I Am Grateful for the Government’s Good Response, but I Have Two Small Additional Questions

In a recent parliamentary session, Hon. Agnes E. Hokororo expressed her gratitude for the government’s response to her inquiries but raised two additional questions regarding a delayed project. This article delves into the specifics of her questions, the Deputy Speaker’s responses, and the implications for the involved communities.

Project Delay: When Will It Start?

Hon. Agnes E. Hokororo’s Inquiry

Hon. Hokororo’s first question addressed the delay of a project initially intended to start in 2016. She inquired, “When will this project start?” This question is crucial as the prolonged delay has raised concerns among the affected communities.

Deputy Speaker’s Response

The Deputy Speaker, in his response, acknowledged the delay and provided a detailed explanation. He mentioned that the project involves the extraction of graphite, a strategic mineral essential for manufacturing batteries and electric vehicles. Investors from the United States and Europe have been identified and are in the final stages of production orders.

Reasons for Project Delay

The delay in the project can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Investor Identification: Finding suitable investors who meet the project’s strategic requirements took time.
  2. Regulatory Approvals: Obtaining necessary approvals and clearances from various governmental bodies can be a lengthy process.
  3. Market Dynamics: Fluctuations in the global market for strategic minerals may have also played a role in the delay.

Benefits to Villages: Mbunyu, Chiwata, and Chidya

Hon. Agnes E. Hokororo’s Second Inquiry

Hon. Hokororo’s second question focused on the benefits that the villages of Mbunyu, Chiwata, and Chidya would receive once the project commences. She asked, “How will the project benefit these villages?”

Deputy Speaker’s Response

The Deputy Speaker highlighted several benefits that the project would bring to these villages:

  1. Community Contributions: Even before the project’s commencement, the investors have contributed to the construction of a maternal and child health building in Nangwale Village and provided allowances for volunteer teachers.
  2. Local Employment: The project will create job opportunities for locals, adhering to the principles of local content and responsibility.
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The investors have already started CSR activities, which will continue and expand once the project begins.

Detailed Benefits

  • Infrastructure Development: Improved infrastructure, including roads and healthcare facilities, will be a direct benefit.
  • Economic Growth: The influx of investment and job creation will stimulate local economies.
  • Educational Support: Continued support for local schools and educational initiatives will enhance the quality of education.

Addressing Compensation Delays: Mpepo Village

Hon. Eng. Stella M. Manyanya’s Inquiry

Hon. Eng. Stella M. Manyanya raised concerns about compensation delays for the citizens of Mpepo Village, which have hindered their ability to continue their activities. She asked if the Deputy Minister would follow up on this issue.

Deputy Minister’s Response

The Deputy Minister of Mines acknowledged the issue and explained that it is governed by the Valuation and Registration Act of 2016. According to the Act, compensation should be paid within six months of valuation. If not, the valuation expires after two years, necessitating a new assessment.

Steps to Address the Issue

  1. Follow-Up: The Ministry will follow up to identify the obstacles causing the delay.
  2. Revaluation: If necessary, a new valuation will be conducted to ensure fair compensation.
  3. Investor Accountability: Ensuring that investors adhere to the legal requirements for compensation.

Hon. Agnes E. Hokororo’s questions highlight critical issues regarding project delays and community benefits. The Deputy Speaker and Deputy Minister’s responses provide a comprehensive overview of the steps being taken to address these concerns. The project’s eventual commencement promises significant benefits for the involved communities, including infrastructure development, economic growth, and educational support. The government’s commitment to resolving compensation delays further underscores its dedication to the welfare of its citizens.

He Should Start a New Evaluation So That the People Are Compensated So That the Project Can Be Done


Honorable Members of Parliament, we have other guests

Honorable Members of Parliament this morning; there are guests of

Mr. Mrisho Gambo, 100 students and ten teachers from Lucky Vincent Primary School in Arusha City. (Applause)

30 guests of Mr. Deo Kasenyenda Sanga, veterans who come to play with Honourable Members of Parliament on June 8, 2024, at the latest. (Applause)

There are guests who visited the MP for training; 13 guests who are the family of Ndugu Josephine Kulwa from the city of Dodoma. (Applause)

The Secretary of Parliament requests to announce the Hon All parliamentarians, today, June 7, there will be a seminar about the security of the leaders in the area of ​​the Parliament that will be held at 8.00 pm in the Pius Msekwa Hall. Gentlemen All MPs are welcome to attend this important seminar. (Applause)

Chairman of the Union of Women Parliamentarians, Honorable Shally Raymond asks to announce to the Members of Parliament women to be today on June 7, immediately after the adjournment The session of the Parliament at four in the morning will be held which will be held at the Mabeyo Hall.

The Secretary of Parliament requests to announce the Hon All parliamentarians that tomorrow Saturday 8 June there will be a seminar that will focus on budget analysis based on issues of gender (Gender responsive budget) that will be held at 3.00 in the morning at the Pius Msekwa Hall. This training seminar is coordinated through our Project to Build Parliaments Capacity LSP III. (Applause)

JUNE 7, 2024

The Secretary of Parliament requests to announce the Hon All parliamentarians that tomorrow Saturday 8 June there will be a seminar on Public Procurement Law, Chapter 410 included Its regulations will be issued by the Ministry of Finance. This seminar will be held at 6.00 pm at the Pius Msekwa Hall. All Honourable Members of Parliament are welcome to attend the seminar this important. (Applause)

Honourable Members of Parliament, now is the time of Honourable Members Members of Parliament go back to your Committees and continue the discussions of the Committee and budget matters. I now adjourn the proceedings of the Parliament until Monday at 3.00 am. (At 4.16 in the morning Parliament was adjourned until Monday, June 10, 2024 3:00 AM).

In the realm of parliamentary proceedings, the call for project continuation often hinges on the delicate balance of beginning a new evaluation and compensating individuals for the project. This article delves into the necessity of initiating a fresh evaluation to ensure fair compensation and the seamless progression of projects.

The Importance of Beginning a New Evaluation

Why Start a New Evaluation?

Starting a new evaluation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that all stakeholders are fairly compensated, which is essential for maintaining public trust and support. Secondly, a thorough evaluation can identify potential roadblocks and provide solutions before the project begins, thereby saving time and resources in the long run.

Steps to Conduct a New Evaluation

  1. Stakeholder Consultation: Engage with all affected parties to understand their concerns and expectations.
  2. Feasibility Study: Conduct a detailed analysis to assess the project’s viability.
  3. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate the financial implications and benefits of the project.
  4. Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies.

Compensating Individuals for the Project

Why Compensation is Essential

Compensation is not just a legal obligation but also a moral one. It ensures that individuals who are adversely affected by the project are adequately compensated for their losses. This not only fosters goodwill but also minimizes resistance to the project.

Methods of Compensation

  1. Monetary Compensation: Direct financial payments to affected individuals.
  2. Resettlement: Providing alternative housing or land.
  3. Employment Opportunities: Offering jobs to affected individuals within the project.

Project Continuation: The Path Forward

Ensuring Smooth Project Continuation

To ensure the smooth continuation of the project, it is imperative to address all concerns raised during the evaluation phase. This includes compensating affected individuals adequately and transparently.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Continuous monitoring and evaluation are essential to ensure that the project stays on track. This involves regular progress reports, stakeholder meetings, and independent audits.

In conclusion, the call for project continuation must be accompanied by a robust framework for beginning a new evaluation and compensating individuals for the project. This not only ensures the project’s success but also upholds the principles of fairness and transparency.

Honourable Members of Parliament, now is the time of Honourable Members Members of Parliament go back to your Committees and continue the discussions of the Committee and budget matters. I now adjourn the proceedings of the Parliament until Monday at 3.00 am. (At 4.16 in the morning Parliament was adjourned until Monday, June 10, 2024 3:00 AM).

Tanzania Media, Political Reporter