On a notable occasion for the agricultural community, the Network of Farmer Groups (MVIWATA) in the Wangingombe District Council convened a crucial meeting. The proceedings were presided over by the Honourable Dr Festo Dugange, the Deputy Minister of the Office of the President of Tanzania. The meeting was held at the esteemed Nganda Hall, which is situated in Makoga Ward, within the Wangingombe District Council. The primary objective of this assembly was to deliberate on the welfare of farmers and the accessibility of reliable markets for their produce.


Opening Remarks by Hon. Dr. Festo Dugange

The Hon. Dr. Festo Dugange commenced the meeting with an address that was both inspiring and elucidating, emphasising the critical role that farmers play in the nation’s economy. He acknowledged the challenges faced by the agricultural sector, particularly in terms of market accessibility and the overall welfare of farmers. Dr. Dugange reaffirmed the government’s dedication to providing assistance to farmers and promoting the advancement of the agricultural sector through the implementation of diverse initiatives and the formulation of pertinent policies.

Discussion on Farmers’ Welfare

The initial item on the agenda pertained to the welfare of farmers. The participants identified several key issues, including:

  • Access to quality seeds

  • Fertilizers

  • Modern farming techniques

The discussion highlighted the necessity for continuous education and training for farmers in order to enhance their productivity and sustainability. Furthermore, the necessity of healthcare and social security for farmers and their families was emphasised, acknowledging that a robust farming community is vital for sustained agricultural growth.


Accessibility of Reliable Markets

The second major item on the agenda was the question of the accessibility of reliable markets for farmers’ produce. The farmers in attendance voiced concerns regarding the erratic pricing of agricultural commodities and the dearth of reliable marketplaces. The meeting examined a range of potential strategies for addressing these issues, including:

  • Establishing cooperative societies

  • Improving transportation infrastructure

  • Leveraging technology for better market information and access

The role of government and private sector partnerships in creating reliable market linkages was also discussed extensively.


Government Initiatives and Support

In his address, the Honourable Dr Festo Dugange set forth a number of government initiatives designed to provide assistance to farmers. These include the following:

  • Subsidies for agricultural inputs

  • Investment in rural infrastructure

  • Promotion of agribusiness

Furthermore, he discussed the government’s initiatives to enhance access to credit for smallholder farmers, thus enabling them to invest in superior farming practices and technologies. The Deputy Minister guaranteed the farmers that the government is dedicated to establishing an environment conducive to agricultural advancement.


MVIWATA, as a network of farmer groups, plays a pivotal role in the advocacy of farmers’ rights and interests. The organisation provides a forum for farmers to articulate their concerns and collaborate on the development of solutions. During the meeting, MVIWATA representatives presented a series of success stories from other regions, illustrating the positive impact of collective action and advocacy. The farmers in Wangingombe were encouraged to engage actively with MVIWATA activities and to utilise the network’s resources to their advantage.


Interactive Session with Farmers

A subsequent interactive session was held, during which farmers were afforded the opportunity to pose questions and share their experiences. This session proved especially beneficial in that it offered direct insights into the challenges encountered by farmers at the grassroots level. The following issues were discussed:

  • Climate change

  • Pest infestations

  • Access to water

The aforementioned topics were discussed. Furthermore, farmers presented innovative solutions that they have implemented, including rainwater harvesting and organic farming practices.

Conclusion and Way Forward

The meeting concluded with a summary of the principal points discussed and a call to action. The Honourable Dr Festo Dugange exhorted all stakeholders to collaborate in pursuit of the shared objective of enhancing the agricultural sector. He underscored the necessity of sustained dialogue and collaboration between farmers, government, and the private sector. Furthermore, the Deputy Minister emphasised the necessity for periodic follow-up meetings in order to monitor progress and address any emerging issues.

Commitment to Future Engagements

The meeting at Nganda Hall constituted a significant advance in the efforts to address the challenges confronting farmers in the Wangingombe District Council. The meeting served to reinforce the commitment of the government and MVIWATA to provide support to the agricultural community. It is imperative that the impetus gained from this meeting be sustained and that the strategies discussed be implemented in a manner that ensures their efficacy. It is imperative that regular engagements and feedback mechanisms be established in order to achieve the desired outcomes and improve the livelihoods of farmers.


The success of the meeting was attributed to the collective input of all participants. Special thanks were extended to the Honourable Dr Festo Dugange for his exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to the agricultural sector. Furthermore, the contributions of MVIWATA representatives, local government officials, and farmers themselves were also acknowledged. Their active participation and valuable insights were instrumental in ensuring the meeting’s productivity and impact.


Future Prospects

In the forthcoming period, the agricultural community in the Wangingombe District Council can anticipate a favourable outlook. It is anticipated that the collaborative efforts and strategies discussed during the meeting will facilitate enhanced market accessibility, improved welfare for farmers, and overall advancement of the agricultural sector.

Tanzania Media