In my public service career, there are days that give me great comfort and hope for Tanga and its people. Yesterday was one of those days. The Odo Ummy Cup season 2023/24, a football league for the youth of all 27 wards of Tanga Urban to showcase their talents, has been successfully completed.

Congratulations to Kiomoni County for winning the Odo Ummy Cup Championship 2023/24. This league is a testament to the overall development of Tanga and its youth.

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni County

Kiomoni CountyI am inspired by the success we have achieved. In the coming days, I will share my vision for Tanga Urban, particularly in the areas of sports and entertainment.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the official guest, the Minister of Culture, Arts and Sports, Hon. Dr. Damas Ndumbaro, as well as to the Chairman of CCM Tanga Region, Ustadh Rajab Abdulrahman, and the Chairman of CCM Tanga District, Retired Major Hamisi Bakari Mkoba. I would also like to thank the Organizing Committee of Odo Ummy Cup, CCM Leaders, and the Ward and District Governments, as well as the Honourable Councillors, stakeholders, and citizens of Tanga Urban for their great participation in making this event a success.

Ummy Mwalimu
Member of Parliament, Tanga Urban