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    • The Director of Information and Chief Government Spokesperson, Mr Mobhare Matinyi, visited the area where the Urban and Rural Roads Agency (TARURA) is expected to start preparations for the implementation of the Msimbazi Basin Development Project, which will cost about Sh660 billion. During the visit, he was accompanied by the coordinator of the projects being implemented in collaboration with the World Bank, TARURA Engineer Humphrey Kanyenye, and other senior officials.

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    • Mpanda District Police Station in Katavi Region, Assistant Inspector Sheila Soud has urged the people of Tambuka Railway Village to avoid selling and using drugs as it is dangerous to their health and also causes the nation's strength to diminish. She said this on 04 April 2024 when he visited the village and educated the people, especially against acts of violence and sexual abuse of children. She also asked the villagers to stop taking the law into their own hands and to make safe arrests and provide information quickly to the police stations so that the law can be taken against the criminals.

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    • Nchini Tanzania, polisi wa wanamitindo wako macho katika harakati zao za kutafuta ushindi wa mitindo bandia, macho yao ya utambuzi yakizoezwa kuona waliovalia vibaya, waliovalia mavazi ya heshima, waliovalia mavazi ya kuvutia na waliovalia vizuri zaidi. Pia wana nia ya kuona wawekaji wabaya na wazuri.Timu hii iliyojitolea imejitolea kudumisha viwango vya mitindo na kukuza utofauti wa mitindo nchini kote. Pamoja na kutekeleza kanuni kali za mavazi, Polisi wa Mitindo wa Tanzania wanasherehekea kujieleza na ubunifu wa mtu binafsi. Dhamira yao ni kuhimiza watu kukumbatia mtindo wao wa kipekee huku wakizingatia miongozo fulani inayohakikisha kiwango cha adabu na kufaa.Moja ya majukumu muhimu ya Polisi ya Mitindo ni kutambua na kushughulikia upungufu wa mitindo. Hii ni pamoja na watu ambao huenda wamekosa alama wakati wa kuratibu mavazi yao, au wale ambao wamechagua mavazi ambayo yanachukuliwa kuwa yasiyofaa kwa mazingira fulani. Kwa upande mwingine wa wigo, Polisi wa Mitindo wana shauku sawa ya kuwatambua wale ambao wamejua sanaa ya kuvaa vizuri. Iwe ni suti iliyoundwa vizuri, mkusanyiko wa maridadi au taarifa ya ubunifu ya mtindo, Polisi wa Mitindo ni wepesi kutambua na kusherehekea wale ambao wameonyesha mtindo wa kipekee. Polisi wa Mitindo nao wanafanana na ushenzi wa kupiga picha. Wanaweza kutofautisha kati ya ujasiri wa kweli na mkao wa bandia. Ingawa wanathamini watu ambao wanaonyesha ujasiri na haiba, pia ni wepesi kuona wale ambao wanaweza kujaribu kuonyesha picha ya uwongo kupitia mienendo na ishara zao. Katika kutafuta ubora wa mitindo, Polisi wa Mitindo pia wana jukumu muhimu katika kukuza ushirikishwaji na utofauti. Wanatafuta na kusherehekea kwa bidii watu ambao wanakumbatia urithi wao wa kitamaduni kupitia chaguzi zao za mitindo, na vile vile wale wanaosukuma mipaka ya kanuni za mtindo wa kawaida. Polisi wa Mitindo nchini Tanzania sio tu watu wenye mamlaka, bali pia ni chanzo cha msukumo na mwongozo kwa wapenda mitindo. Kupitia macho yao ya utambuzi na kujitolea kukuza utofauti wa mitindo, wanachangia maendeleo ya utamaduni wa mitindo nchini Tanzania. Polisi wa Mitindo nchini Tanzania wamejitolea kudumisha viwango vya mitindo, kusherehekea mtindo wa mtu binafsi na kukuza utofauti ndani ya mandhari ya mitindo. Jukumu lao linakwenda zaidi ya utekelezaji; wanatumika kama waelimishaji, watetezi na mabingwa wa mitindo. Kwa kutambua na kushughulikia upungufu wa mitindo, kusherehekea mtindo wa kipekee na kukuza ushirikishwaji, Polisi wa Mitindo wana jukumu muhimu katika kuunda simulizi la mitindo nchini Tanzania. Slay queens wamekuwa wakitupigia simu mara kwa mara kwenda kuwakamata baadhi ya watu waliovalia mavazi ya kuchekesha. Lakini tulipofanya uchunguzi wetu, tuligundua kuwa slay queen hawaelewi sheria. Kama Polisi wa Mitindo Tanzania hakuna sheria iliyovunjwa na tumewaonya ma slay queen kuacha kuwapotezea muda polisi.

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    • In Tanzania, the fashion police are vigilant in their pursuit of fashion faux pas and style triumphs.Their discerning eyes are trained to spot the badly dressed, the decently dressed, the sexier dressed and the coolest dressed. They are also keen to spot the bad and the good posers. This dedicated team is committed to upholding fashion standards and promoting style diversity across the country.As well as enforcing a strict dress code, Tanzania's fashion police celebrate individual expression and creativity. Their mission is to encourage people to embrace their unique style while adhering to certain guidelines that ensure a level of decency and appropriateness.One of the key roles of the Fashion Police is to identify and address fashion lapses. This includes individuals who may have missed the mark when it comes to coordinating their outfits, or those who have chosen clothing that is deemed inappropriate for certain environments. In this way, the Fashion Police aim to educate and guide individuals to make more informed fashion choices.At the other end of the spectrum, the Fashion Police are equally enthusiastic about recognising those who have mastered the art of dressing well. Whether it's a well-tailored suit, a stylish ensemble or an innovative fashion statement, the Fashion Police are quick to recognise and celebrate those who have demonstrated exceptional style.The Fashion Police are also attuned to the nuances of posing. They can tell the difference between genuine confidence and contrived posturing. While they appreciate individuals who exude confidence and charisma, they are also quick to spot those who may be attempting to project a false image through their poses and gestures. In their pursuit of fashion excellence, the Fashion Police also play a crucial role in promoting inclusivity and diversity. They actively seek out and celebrate individuals who embrace their cultural heritage through their fashion choices, as well as those who push the boundaries of conventional style norms. The Fashion Police in Tanzania are not only an authority figure, but also a source of inspiration and guidance for fashion enthusiasts. Through their discerning eye and commitment to promoting fashion diversity, they contribute to the development of fashion culture in Tanzania.The Fashion Police in Tanzania are dedicated to upholding fashion standards, celebrating individual style and promoting diversity within the fashion landscape. Their role goes beyond enforcement; they serve as educators, advocates and champions of style. By recognising and addressing fashion lapses, celebrating exceptional style and promoting inclusivity, the Fashion Police play a vital role in shaping the fashion narrative in Tanzania.

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    • Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa has arrived at the Moshi Cooperative College Stadium in the Kilimanjaro region where he will represent the President of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, Dr Hussein Ali Mwinyi, at the launch of the 2024 Torch of Freedom race. The Torch of Freedom will be carried for 195 days in all regions of Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar

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