Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Cardinal Pengo commemorate the 40th anniversary of the death of Edward Moringe Sokoine

A special Mass was held at the family home of the late Edward Moringe Sokoine in Monduli, Arusha Region, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of his death. Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan and the retired Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam, Most Rev. Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, were present to honour the memory of the former Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine was a revered figure in Tanzanian history, known for his patriotism, hard work, responsibility and fairness. His leadership served as an example to the Tanzanian public and his legacy continues to inspire generations.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

The significance of commemorating the 40th anniversary of Sokoine’s death lies in his contribution to the roots of Tanzania’s strength. With 81 per cent of Tanzanians born after Sokoine’s death, it is the government’s responsibility to share this history and these memories with the younger generation. These memories serve as a reminder of our past, our present and our aspirations for the future.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

The presence of Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Cardinal Pengo at the special mass underlined the importance of honouring Sokoine’s legacy. Their presence symbolised the government’s commitment to preserving the history and values that have shaped Tanzania.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Statistics from the 2022 population and housing census highlight the need to ensure that the younger generation is aware of the contributions and sacrifices made by leaders like Sokoine. By understanding the history of their country, Tanzanians can gain a deeper appreciation of their roots and a clearer vision for the future.

The special Mass served as a platform to reflect on Sokoine’s leadership and the impact he had on the nation. It was an opportunity for the community to come together and pay tribute to a leader who has left an indelible mark on Tanzania.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan’s presence at the memorial service demonstrated her commitment to preserving the legacy of leaders who have shaped Tanzania’s history. Her attendance underlined the government’s commitment to ensuring that the values and principles espoused by leaders such as Sokoine are upheld and passed on to future generations.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Cardinal Pengo’s presence at the Mass further underlined the significance of the event. His presence underlined the unity between the government and the religious community in honouring the memory of a leader who embodied the values of integrity and service to the nation.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

As Tanzania continues to progress and evolve, it is important to remember the leaders who laid the foundation for the country’s development. The commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the death of Edward Moringe Sokoine serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by past leaders and the enduring values that continue to guide the nation.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

The special Mass was a poignant moment of reflection and remembrance, allowing the community to come together to honour a leader whose legacy continues to inspire and guide the nation. The presence of Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Cardinal Pengo at the event reaffirmed the importance of preserving the history and values that have shaped Tanzania’s identity.

The commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Edward Moringe Sokoine’s death is a testament to the enduring impact of his leadership. The participation of Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Cardinal Pengo at the special Mass demonstrated the Government’s commitment to preserving the legacy of leaders who have contributed to Tanzania’s growth and development.

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

Edward Moringe Sokoine

As the nation looks to the future, it is important to honour the past and the leaders who paved the way for progress.

Preserving the memory of our leaders: The Department of Personnel’s Commitment to Preserving History and Service Skills

In an ever-changing world, it is vital to remember and learn from the past. The Ministry of Personnel recognises the importance of preserving the memory of our leaders and ensuring that their history, records and service skills are accessible to the community, especially the youth. By shedding light on our nation’s journey and providing guidance for future generations, the Ministry aims to foster a sense of pride and inspire a commitment to public service and society as a whole.

changing world

1. The importance of preserving memories:

The memories of our leaders are a valuable resource, providing insights into their experiences, decisions and the challenges they faced. By preserving these memories, we can gain a deeper understanding of our nation’s history and the path it has taken. This knowledge enables us to appreciate the sacrifices made by our leaders and to learn from their successes and failures.

2. Ensuring that history and records are accessible:

The Department of Personnel is committed to ensuring that the history and records of our leaders are readily available to the public. Through digitisation efforts, these valuable resources can be preserved and made available online for people from all walks of life to explore and learn from. By embracing technology, the Department aims to bridge the gap between generations and make history a vibrant, interactive experience.

3. Training for service skills:

In addition to preserving memory, the Department recognises the importance of training individuals in service skills. By providing the knowledge and skills necessary for effective public service, the Ministry aims to cultivate a new generation of leaders who are equipped to meet the challenges of the future. Through comprehensive training programmes, young professionals can learn from the experiences of their predecessors and develop the necessary competencies to serve the nation and society at large.

4. Empowering the Youth:

The Ministry of Personnel places special emphasis on reaching out to the youth. By providing access to history, records and training opportunities, the Ministry aims to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders.

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By understanding where we have come from, young people can gain valuable insight into the nation’s journey and develop a sense of responsibility for shaping its future. This knowledge will serve as a guide, encouraging them to make informed decisions and contribute positively to society.

5. Collaborative efforts:

Preserving the memory of our leaders and ensuring the accessibility of history and records is a collective responsibility. The Department is actively working with educational institutions, libraries and other relevant organisations to create a comprehensive network of resources.

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changing world

changing world

changing world

changing world

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By working together, these organisations can pool their expertise and resources to create a rich tapestry of knowledge that benefits the whole community.

The Ministry of Human Resources’ commitment to preserving the memory of our leaders and ensuring the accessibility of history, records and training opportunities is commendable. By providing the community, especially the youth, with the tools to learn from the past, the Ministry is paving the way for a better future. As a nation, we must recognise the importance of our history and the lessons it holds. By understanding where we have come from, we can chart a course towards a more prosperous and inclusive society. Let us embrace the Department’s efforts and work together to build a better tomorrow.


Tanzania Media