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last updated by AvatarTanzania 1 day, 3 hours ago.
194 topics
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One of the most distinctive aspects of late-twentieth century globalization is that many of its predominant features especially the reinforcement of trade liberalisation institutions and the growing ability of national-states and corporate capital to exercise off-shore veto of domestic social and environmental legislation are challenged directly and aggressively by a global-scale social movement, the anti-corporate globalization movement headed by Anarchists.
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    • "We join with all Tanzanians in continuing to express our condolences for the tragedies we have suffered as a nation over the past month. Among those who have expressed their condolences are former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa, Chairman of CCM Tabora Region and member of the Central Council of CCM Taifa, together with former President of the Second Phase of the United Republic of Tanzania Hayati Al Hassan Mwinyi". All the members of CCM join the Chairperson of CCM and the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan, during the 7 days of mourning and ask you as a nation to continue to stand together so that the times we are called to our God will be a good story for those who will tell us here on earth". Comrade Paul Makonda Secretary of the NEC - Ideology, Dissemination and Training of the CCM Taifa.

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    • Ludewa district in Njombe province has received more than 1.5 billion shillings for the completion and improvement of health infrastructure and medical equipment. I am grateful to fully participate in the opening of Zahanati Chigbo in Peace Village which is expected to serve more than 5,000 citizens who travelled a distance of more than seven kilometres to pursue services at the village headquarters. We thank the Honourable President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan for carrying us 50 million for the construction of this Zahanati which will be a life saver to these citizens. Ludewa District Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Stanley Mlayi said that from 2020 to this year, 13 new hospitals have been launched together with five health centres in that district. And the director of Ludewa District Council, Sunday Deogratias has said the medical equipment that was given to Mundindi Health Centre has cost 150 million shillings, and the government has allocated another 150 million for the purchase of additional medical equipment for the Mundindi Health Centre which is going to give. specialized services like surgery, maternal and child health, measurements and various services. The Mundindi Health Centre has cost 500 million until its completion and it is a big development for Mundindi Ward, Liganga Division- Ludewa District. Councillor of Mundindi ward who is the Chairman of Ludewa District Council; Wise Mgina is grateful for this stable development for the sake of providing better services to the citizens. The secretary of Chama Cha Mapinduzi- Ludewa District Brother Gervas Ndaki has thanked the implementation of the announcement going on in Ludewa District; in the interest of bringing better services to the citizens.

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    • Air Tanzania led by the Director of Human Resources, Brother Lembris Laanyuni, who represented the CEO in providing support of 32 million shillings to renovate two classrooms to a suitable level used by 97 children with special needs. The aid has been given to Maarifa Primary School located near the Julius Nyerere International Airport. We contribute to education to enable our children to fulfil their dreams.

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    • The President of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Samia Suluhu Hassan arriving at the Hosea Kutako International Airport, Windhoek in Namibia for the Troika plus emergency meeting of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) contributing Forces to the Force Intervention Brigade (FIC) ) on May 7, 2023. The meeting will discuss the security situation in the East of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

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