The reception and handover of the Torch of Freedom in Kilosa District from Jabiri Makame, Chief of Gairo District, took place on 22 April 2024. The event marked a significant moment in the history of Morogoro Region. The event, presided over by Jabiri Makame, Chief of Gairo District, was a symbol of unity, progress, and the ongoing fight for freedom and justice.
The ceremony began with a vibrant display of traditional music and dance, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region. As the sun set over the horizon, the atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement as the Torch of Freedom made its way to Kilosa District.

Kilosa District

In his address, Jabiri Makame emphasised the importance of unity and collaboration in the pursuit of freedom. He spoke passionately about the sacrifices made by previous generations and the responsibility of the current generation to uphold the values of freedom and justice.
The handover of the Torch of Freedom was a solemn and dignified moment, symbolising the transfer of the struggle for freedom from one generation to the next. The torch, a potent symbol of hope and resilience, was received with reverence and gratitude by the leaders of Kilosa District.
The event was attended by a diverse array of community leaders, activists, and representatives from various organisations. The spirit of solidarity and determination was palpable as individuals from all walks of life came together to reaffirm their commitment to the cause of freedom. Each individual present at the ceremony became a torchbearer, carrying the flame of hope and determination back to their respective communities.

Kilosa District

The reception and handover of the Torch of Freedom was not merely a symbolic gesture; it constituted a call to action. It served as a catalyst for renewed energy and determination in the ongoing fight for justice and equality. The leaders of Kilosa District pledged to carry the torch with pride and to continue the legacy of resilience and courage.

The ceremony concluded with a collective pledge to work together towards a future where freedom and justice are not just ideals, but lived realities for all. The Torch of Freedom, now in the hands of the leaders of Kilosa District, will serve as a beacon of hope, guiding the way towards a brighter and more equitable future for the people of Morogoro Region.

Kilosa District
In the aftermath of the event, the spirit of unity and determination continued to reverberate throughout the region. The reception and handover of the Torch of Freedom served as a powerful reminder of the strength that can be derived from solidarity and collaboration. As the torch made its way through the streets of Kilosa District, it ignited a spark in the hearts of all who witnessed its passage. The flame of hope and determination burned brightly, inspiring individuals to stand up for their rights and to work towards a future where freedom and justice are not just aspirations, but lived realities.

Kilosa District

The legacy of the Reception and Handover of the Torch of Freedom will endure for generations to come. It will serve as a reminder of the power of unity and the resilience of the human spirit. The leaders of Kilosa District, who were entrusted with the responsibility of carrying the torch forward, have pledged to uphold the values of freedom and justice, and to work tirelessly towards a future where all individuals can live with dignity and equality.

The Reception and Handover of the Torch of Freedom in Kilosa District constituted a momentous occasion that brought together individuals from all walks of life in a spirit of unity and determination. The event served as a powerful symbol of the ongoing fight for freedom and justice, and as a reminder of the strength that comes from solidarity and collaboration. The leaders of Kilosa District have assumed the responsibility of perpetuating the torch’s legacy and have pledged to dedicate themselves to a future in which the values of freedom and justice are upheld for all.

Tanzania Media